If anyone's ever read the book Daughters of Saturn, I feel like the woman at the end of the book.
Somehow I just feel the urge to be something completely ambiguous, like a piece of lichen, or a beetle or something. Then I remember that really I should be doing more than just moping around in this body bemoaning my own mortality. I could be something better, why the fuck not then?
Torture game (lifted from Rigor Mortis, woop woop!)
Anyone else find things like this really therapeutic?
Do ittttttttt, exams and all that sorta stuff are over soon, then you can run away and be like Robinson Crusoe, seriously, do it. Alternative you could not do that, I mean it would be a crime to leave your inner turmoil unresolved, but surely the greater crime would be depriving us of you for "a couple of weeks". Where would the disapproving looks come from?! ;s
I haven't read the book Daughters of Saturn... might have to pop into Waterstones and skim read the last chapter now, the staff can do nothing, mwahahaha.
You could be something better? pshhtt, surely it's impossible to improve on perfection,
The torture game is fantastic, experienced the joys of that last week possibly? This picture is better than yours though....
I hate how parents think like that, im the same as you, i love sports sailing, climbing etc so if i starved myself i woodnt be able to do anything plus i LOVE food! My mum just thinks everythings bad if u dont eat, but shes a fat mofo seriously she says shes trying to diet then i see her munch on so much food as snacks and then complains! We went on a diet a few yrs ago she lasted 1 hour. wierdo!
I graduate nxt summer, i have 1 more yr to go then i should be out in the big bad world all by myself! lol. I have been looking for places to live and even joined the housing association and council listing but im not a pregnant poor 13 yr old so i only have like 40 points whereas most ppl ave about 500 points. lol.
anyways im gna cut out on gluten and dairy for a few weeks then introduct one thing at a time to see what it is. I ave been to the doctors but their shit. lol