I realize that i have been sorely neglecting my SG addiction .. it is actually the fault of the boards though someone started a thread about Kingdom of Loathing and i have been busy starting three characters and getting myself and a bunch of other people addicted to it .. so anyhow .. what is going on? I've been getting drunk a whole lot .. and going to some shows and getting drunk some more .. mostly with Starr ... other than that and the KoL addiction there really hasn't been much of anything going on in my life .. i'm boring

I kinda miss you too fucker. I've been busy as phuck though, so all is not lost. I've barely had time for my OWN KOL addiction. And the total dorkyness title goes to you. Llama. Degauss. Icy to dull the pain.. hot to........ yeah, im kinda bonkers.
are you coordinated enough for martial arts?!