ok .. so i tried to have an emergency party friday because my footage of pixiedawn was supposed to be on the howard stern show on e ... apperantly they didn't get the editing done in time to air it friday so it wasn't on but should be on some time this week .. which means i'm going to have to have another party ... starr, keegan, jonostack, natasha, pixiedawn, six_past_six, fallenangel777, athena, and reese were all here at at least some point during the night... most of us got completely trashed .. and i finnally found someone who will keep doing shots with me untill 8am
... needless to say yesterday was spent recovering .. watching movies .. playing video games .. all that good stuff ..
i'm considering a road trip in june .. i'm going to try to save up and use my tax return or something... i have family in pittsburgh that i havent seen in years a little sister i have never met... i'm thinking about stoping in atlanta for a few days because the musical rent is playing and i wouldnt mind seeing that again .. also i've been to atlanta several times but never actually explored the city at all so it might be cool to stay a few days and check out something other than the federal courthouse
... i've also been invited to a big sg event on the 19th at ceder point in ohio which isnt too far from pittsburgh .. so if anyone in these cities wants to chill let me know .. hell if anyone wants to come with me or is in a city on the way to each place and can suggest some cool shit to do.. i'm thinking this is going to end up being a 2 week trip i havent had a vacation longer than 4 days in years and i could use one.

i'm considering a road trip in june .. i'm going to try to save up and use my tax return or something... i have family in pittsburgh that i havent seen in years a little sister i have never met... i'm thinking about stoping in atlanta for a few days because the musical rent is playing and i wouldnt mind seeing that again .. also i've been to atlanta several times but never actually explored the city at all so it might be cool to stay a few days and check out something other than the federal courthouse

thought u'd like this......freak