ok i suppose i should update this thing... i love my job but i seriously think that the ultra nifty $5000 camera they gave me to play with is going to make my hand wither and fall off if i dont get a shoulder rest thingie for it ... got my hair done the girl's name is alin and her company is dollylocks .. she did a really good job on both myself and pixiedawn will post her website and email as soon as i steal another one of her cards from dawn ... and i will post some pics as soon as i get the still camera i'm supposed to be getting from the office ... i need to email some to her as well for her before and after pics... i am off to jonostack's house once again to get trashed on cheap beer and drool over his girlfriend... six_past_six will be there as well untill dawn gets off work and steals him away should be a fun night .. one of these days i should probably try not to drink .. just to see what it's like but not tonight

I just did the 20 questions game, and it guessed pussy willow after 17 guesses, Got Motherboard in 14 guesses, and i stumped it with punctuation and umlaut. Some things are sorta addicting.