ok so my friend jon says to me ... hey make sure you have saturday off we are going to a burlesque show... i dont know if i've said often enough how much i love jon
so we go to the show i start looking around the site and here i am with a brand spankin new gift membership (thanks nevyn
) and access to all these hawt girls and cool boys and even taking into account what happened this morning that makes today a great day
this morning myself and a few of the girls that i work with were obligated to do a local radio show for some free publicity... the bad part is that they wanted hot topless girls puking which is kinda gross .. so we did the milk challange .. you know how it is supposed to be humanly impossible to drink a gallon of whole milk in an hour .. well i'm happy to report that i didnt give them what they wanted .. i was the only one to hold it down and i think i finished the most too but not thw whole gallon .. trouble is i didnt win because when they started forcing me to chugg and shaking me around i decided to forfeit my rights to the prize money just so i didnt have to stick my head in the garbage can that was already used by 4 people ... so there is my opening story .. sorry about the gross out factor .. but hey this is a journal and that happens to be what happened to me today

so we go to the show i start looking around the site and here i am with a brand spankin new gift membership (thanks nevyn

this morning myself and a few of the girls that i work with were obligated to do a local radio show for some free publicity... the bad part is that they wanted hot topless girls puking which is kinda gross .. so we did the milk challange .. you know how it is supposed to be humanly impossible to drink a gallon of whole milk in an hour .. well i'm happy to report that i didnt give them what they wanted .. i was the only one to hold it down and i think i finished the most too but not thw whole gallon .. trouble is i didnt win because when they started forcing me to chugg and shaking me around i decided to forfeit my rights to the prize money just so i didnt have to stick my head in the garbage can that was already used by 4 people ... so there is my opening story .. sorry about the gross out factor .. but hey this is a journal and that happens to be what happened to me today

I hope you made it to the bank...and to work...don't blame us if you didn't...actually, I liked being blamed for things =)
Anyways...can't wait until you shoot those pics...mind if I make a guest appearance?