i either have bronchitis or an impending heart attach. why bother writing these things? i don't know!!
i don't say this very often, but i'm pretty sure it's miller time.
It was Miller Time all weekend at Casa de Big Booty Bitch. Yes, Ben left 12 MGD's at Carolee's house, and in our desperation, we drank'em. EWWWW! It did the trick, though.
y'arr matey

good thing i made a whole pot of coffee. i can't drink it fast enough and it keeps getting cold. time for a refill.
Yeah- Shera is pretty hot. I stole her from you. smile I didn't know what to do after Dusty left the site, so I had to come up with a new girl quick. She is a kind of Britney-ish though. I might have to find a new favorite girl

Oh, I wanted to thank you for all the music you gave me to the put on my iPod. I'm particularly fond of the Bloc Party CD. I've been listening to it pretty much non-stop. It's awesome!
Ha I do remember, strangely enough. Not sure why, there's no rational explanation for why I'm able to recall any of those details....

guy with sign: "hey you, ever own a tempurpedic bed?"

me: "no" (shakes head)

guy: "no wonder you don't have a girlfriend. here, take this..."

interesting angle for a sales pitch.
last full day to get ready for burning man. stress! we have to finish bruce, go to target (i just realized i still haven't been to rei), finish my skirt/kilt thingy, clean our bikes......it's going to be busy busy busy.
my stomach feels totally empty but i've been eating normally and i feel kind of nauseous anyway. what's up with that??

i hung out with adam last night since he is moving to new york on friday to start med-school. i "went large" as the expression goes, and was definitely paying for it today! it was basically a minor miracle that i got home safely and on time. kinda scares me thinking back on it, but hopefully i can learn something from this.
Was this all drinking Arrogant Bastard??

I'm glad you're OK.

an angry blind guy cut me in line and called me a bitch today at subway.
Mwuahahahaha ... did he hit you with his cane or have his seeing eye dog growl at you biggrin
i finally figured out how to make track markers in really long files without physically splitting the track into smaller chunks, but it took forever.

not much going on today. i have some laundry going but one of the dryers is broken so hopefully i'll be able to fit everything into one. also there is the skeletons and the girl-faced boys show tonight at the...
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Hey man how's life treatin ya? Glad to see that you got your own little page now. Well have to do some catchin up at BM alright!

Later man skull