Hey everyone!! So since you don't really know much about me I decided I'd give this one a go! 🖤Thank you @missy @rambo
1) How tall are you?: 5'3"
2) Pets?: I have pitbul named Archer and I claim my moms boxer Buddy. They are my two favorite creatures in this world.
3) do you play any instruments?: I play the cello have have since the 3rd grade!
4) where were you born?: I was born in Glendale, California and went home to Atwater Village/silver lake.
5) what is my hobbie outside of SG?: I'd have to say Cannabis. I love learning new things and reading keeping up with what's going on in the cannabis industry. The way I feel when I medicate is a very big plus as well!
6) do you smoke?: I smoke cannabis for my epilepsy! I was diagnosed with epilepsy when I was 16 years old, but I was medically cleared in 2013 but to this day still use CBD as well as different forms of smoking MMJ to medicate and help prevent seizures! I love smoking Dabs though
7) favorites TV shows: Law and Order SVU, Criminal Minds, That 70's Show, Greys Anatomy, Bones, 48 Hours Hard Evidence.
8) where have you traveled: oh I love traveling!! In the US I've been a few! Oregon, Washington, Arizona, Nevada, Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma, Michigan, Chicago, Hawaii. I've also been to England, France!! I want to go so many places though!!
9) favorite food: Spaghetti with Marinara Sauce!! Oh my god I will eat that every meal 😍 I also love pesto pasta, zucchini and garlic bread and corn dogs!!
10) my favorite feature: I would honestly have to say my hair. I can do a lot of coloring and chemical treatments to it and it somehow stays healthy *nock on wood right?* I also love how wavy it is and every day it dries differently besides in one spot!
Thanks for reading 🙈🙈