I really hate psychotic people. It isn't a hard thing to do when you are asked to leave someone alone, and stop getting into one's life. I don't know how many times I have to repeat myself or why she feels the need to continuously talk about me. It's really sad... I've known her for only 4 moths. I've been trying to rid myself of her and this situation...but for some reason she still feels the need to make me a part of her life when I want no part of it. And now she's linking to me from her journal on here too. I seriously don't know what to do about this, I just want her to leave me alone. I don't see why it is neccisary to keep talking about me and pointing her finger, and trying to make herself the victim. She fucked up, plain and simple. I want out....yet she makes it like I keep bringing her into this. I've told her time and time again, leave me alone, don't talk about me, leave me out of your life. Anyone have any ideas as to this obsession? I really wish she would get some help.