I really hate psychotic people. It isn't a hard thing to do when you are asked to leave someone alone, and stop getting into one's life. I don't know how many times I have to repeat myself or why she feels the need to continuously talk about me. It's really sad... I've known her for only 4 moths. I've been trying to rid myself of...
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Well, I decided I am going to try to give up smoking. I ran out of cigarettes on friday, at 11am. I didn't attempt to buy any until around 2pm, but decided against it while still in my car in the lot of Wawa. I went home, frustrated and irritable, and came across nicotine gum my mother bought for either herself or me to use...
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My cousin used that gum to quit smoking... and years later he still chews it wink However, he's not smoking, and that shit'll kill ya!
Good luck to you.

I've had so many people tell me about water heater disasters since this happened. Seems like they're all just ticking timebombs, ya know?
Hope you had a happy turkey day. Keep up the non-smoking!!!

I get an email from this guy "wakeup" and he says this:

"would you object to having your girlfriend daemontia post some naked pictures on here? she is really hot. i say show her off, you know what i mean? she's your prize, make people jealous. from one brother to another, please consider it man... she is da bomb"

Ugh the nerve of...
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Can you believe this guy is still arguing with me over this stuff? Not to mention he's deleting all the replies I sent to him. OBVIOUSLY he know's he wrong and doesn't want other users to see what he did. SOOO, I'll just leave this post up here for others entertainment.
Dude, the nerve of some people just apalls me. ugh.
I TOOK a FALL and got ON up.

I went down, and I got right back up, and I took what is mine. I have opened doors in my mind and personality which have been closed for a long time. It is due time to open those doors and walk inside.

Who and what is mine shall remain so, and I will enjoy it, as...
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hah, fallon!
Well, I decided to join SG....not because I like it. Actually I have a pretty strong distaste for what I've seen. However, I joined because I want to take an active role in my girlfriend's interests, and she seems to really enjoy the site, if for nothing else than the boards. So I'm going to give it a go, and we'll see if my mind...
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k, do something