This whole being responsible thing I started doing is really getting on my nerves. Right now I wish wish wish I could skip class but ultmatly I will go.
Man does this suck going to class after working all day. I have only myself to blame for not finishing college when I had the chance.

Man does this suck going to class after working all day. I have only myself to blame for not finishing college when I had the chance.
I was talking to a friend the other day about how the guy who has a job as a bartender at age 21 is always cool to his friends and meets a lot of women, etc. He drives a sporty car, is handsome and stylish, and gets to live his life being mostly self indulgent. Then one day he's 29 and he's still a bartender and his friends all have health insurance, steady relationships, etc. He's still living on tips and his sporty car is now 8 years old, the women are a bit more mature and want to spend time with him after work but he can't because of his hours, etc.
So (not that this is in any way YOU) eventually life moves on and we need to be prepared and grow with it. If not we're left behind. The really important things might not be having a boring job or a stable girlfriend or a nice home but they all come together and make life easier.
I think it's great you're going to school and wish I could do it right now too. Unfortunately I have too many financial obligations to take the time but I plan on it w/in the next five years.