Fuck Fuck Fuck.
So the other day I was at work working when I got up to go talk to someone. When I did this my foot snagged my laptop's powercord and the laptop got hurled off my desk fliping over and landing squarly on the lcd screen. The entire screen was fucked. I should add that I own this computer even though I use it to do my job. It would have cost me $700 to replace just the screen on a laptop that is two years old and only cost $1000 when new. So since my entire job depends on a laptop I had to express order one from where ever I could find it. I ended up having to spend $1600 to replace my laptop all of which I don't have (Lets hear it for credit debt!!!
So the other day I was at work working when I got up to go talk to someone. When I did this my foot snagged my laptop's powercord and the laptop got hurled off my desk fliping over and landing squarly on the lcd screen. The entire screen was fucked. I should add that I own this computer even though I use it to do my job. It would have cost me $700 to replace just the screen on a laptop that is two years old and only cost $1000 when new. So since my entire job depends on a laptop I had to express order one from where ever I could find it. I ended up having to spend $1600 to replace my laptop all of which I don't have (Lets hear it for credit debt!!!

That is, I believe, referred to in technical terms as mega-suckage. Will your company reimburse you, or are they dicks? Can you at least get a tax break?
you should have gone to lcds4less.com I get my replacement screens from there aqnd never pay over 400 bucks. Talk to me before you do these things, for the love of pete.