So I have been working on a program this last week and I just got back from dinner with my cousin who also happens to be my boss. Anyway he wanted me to design it a whole another way. But see here is the kicker he is having me report to a manager who helped me design it and okayed the way we solved the solution. So now I have to scrap 2/3s of my work and start over.

Is it an underlying code or a process thing? If it's the former, kill him now. If it's the latter... well, getting paid by the hour is a good thing right?
Anyway try leanring some new code structure or optimizing the code while you do it over again to see if you can't at least make it a worthwhile use of your time.

I agree, as long as you are getting paid by the hour then I would redo it as many times as he wants. Or you could always go "punisher" on him.