The May 2-4 was a much better weekend all around. I had four days off and saw Rob Zombie live in concert, saw Conan O'Brien live in person and caught Iron Man 2. Rob put on an amazing show as always and went all out with the pyrotechnics this time around. He even added a few new monsters and robots to the mix. Saturday night I happened to see Conan leaving Massey Hall after his show. There were too many fans around to snag a picture though. I would've liked to have seen his tour when it was in town but the seats where too expensive for me.
I managed to roll out of bed in time to catch Iron Man 2 for cheap at the AMC as well. The film didn't break any new ground but it was still pretty entertaining. I also enjoyed the finale of Lost which aired that weekend. Some of my co-workers had mixed feelings about the ending (namely the flash-sideways world) but I have to give the show's creators credit for killing off all their characters and still giving them happy endings. Not many programs can manage that.
24, another favourite of mine, wrapped up the next night but I didn't find its finale as satisfying. I certainly wasn't expecting Jack Bauer to walk off into the sunset a free man, but I think I would've preferred to have seen him killed than end up in the exact same predicament as every other season finale of the show. The 24 movie is still to come though so perhaps Jack will find a way out yet (one way or another).
Other than that I've been working like a sucker mostly. I've been meaning to do a recap of the first Wizard World here in Toronto for a while now, but this blog is running a little long so I'll save that until next time. Instead I'll leave off with a video from my New York trip I forgot to upload last time.
Oh yeah, Gala is this weekend so hopefully I'll see all of you SGCanada East kids there!
Edit: I've added some more recent photos to my Celebrity Encounters album as well. Check it out.
Dear diary.... It's been awhile since my last update so I thought I'd do a quick rundown of what I've been up to lately. This past weekend I went home to visit my parents and had the worst bus ride I've ever experienced. No one was beheaded or anything like that obviously but it was still plenty unpleasant. See the spoiler for my rant.
Doesn't NY make you feel tinnier than a piece of sand? It's so crazy but overwhelming all at the same time. Did you get a chance to go to FAO Schwartz, M&M or Hershey store? Those were pretty much the three places I visited when I went... Must go again!
It was awesome hanging out with you at Pride! I will upload photos (& maybe videos) soon.
BTW. Here are those Russian balls I was telling you about.