not much time to update - my battery is almost dead.

i won! i won in court. i walked in there, and cme out a victor! i now have 50% physical and legal custody. i'll give the details when i have more battery...
Awwww hon! *hugs*

I'm so glad yu won your court battle. That's fantastic news ^_^

after another hour and a half, another bottle and playing for a while....she finally went back to sleep. this time, she stayed that way until 11am. i can deal with that. i had to apologize to her after she woke up. i was kinda irritated with her lastnight, and i told her so... so i apologized for that. man, nights like these suck. good thing...
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whatever i wrote before....double it. she's up again and more pissed. fucking christ.
it is 1:30am... and as much as i love my daughter, she really annoyed me. a lot. she woke up shortly before midnight, which she never does, and started crying. i held her for a while, till she fell asleep - and set her down. more crying. i picked her up, repeated.... more crying. i change her diaper, gave her a bottle....rocked her to sleep......
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so tired. family get-together today. going to watch kill bill vol 2...then sleep...
man. shit has been pretty fucked up lately. i suppose i can't complain tho, cause i'm still alive. i go back to court in a couple days, but what makes me more nervous is seeing her tomorrow... i normally don't spend thursday night at my dad's, but this week i am. sarah'll be here at about 12:30 tomorrow...and generally, i make it a point not...
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it's official: i suck at making pancakes. if you happen to wake up next to me, don't expect pancakes. or at least, don't expect *good* pancakes. i did a google search for "how to make pancakes" and clicked the first link.... it said flour, eggs, and milk. apparently, it takes a bit more than that. my dad woke up, must have smelled something awful. came...
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it happened again.

i had another dream about her. about my ex. about my baby's mom. this time, it wasn't a sex dream. this time it was different. very different. this time she was in a car accident, and bloodied up.

i don't know what these dreams mean, and why there is such a contrast betweenthem, but according to kristin, *everyone* has been having these...
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fucking christ. so get this. i'm all psyched because i get to start working again....with like double the pay. well, i go and sign the papers to start today, and i get a call a few minutes later from my dad. he says that the deal fell thru because his boss (the CEO...of porsche) said that he doesn't want a family member working for an...
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