unfortunately, i must bid you all adeu...for now. i will be back.
ugh. i feel like shit today. yesterday i started coming down with something. it totally fucking wiped me... today, i'm coughing and hacking up shit, my throat is swollen shut, and i feel like ass. i have no job, no health insurance - and the health department turned me away. fuckers.
lastnight was a bitch. i was already feeling like shit, and when michele's alarm...
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lastnight was a bitch. i was already feeling like shit, and when michele's alarm...
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it's been a really busy week. my new neighbor moved in, and we haven't stopped hanging out since. her name is michele, she's 22, and is a total geek. we, literally, clicked instantly. we've been inseperable. it's really nice to finally have someone that treats me good. someone that understands my position. someone that loves my daughter as her own. fucking yeah. that's what i'm...
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days like today make it all worth while.
ok, so i had to wake up early, but i would have anyway, right? my ex dropped devon off at my parents lastnight instead of with me. that's fine, whatever. they took care of her overnight, and i was to pick her up this morning. when i got here, she was finishing breakfast, with her back turned...
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ok, so i had to wake up early, but i would have anyway, right? my ex dropped devon off at my parents lastnight instead of with me. that's fine, whatever. they took care of her overnight, and i was to pick her up this morning. when i got here, she was finishing breakfast, with her back turned...
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it has been a busy weekend. that's for fucking sure.
it started with me not knowing where to find my daughter, roundabouts 3pm on friday. she was supposed to be dropped off to me at one, but never showed. i figured i might as well head out to my dad's place, and check there...sure enough, there she was. no one knew that's where she was...
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it started with me not knowing where to find my daughter, roundabouts 3pm on friday. she was supposed to be dropped off to me at one, but never showed. i figured i might as well head out to my dad's place, and check there...sure enough, there she was. no one knew that's where she was...
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trailerpark whore. yeah, i gotta admit, i didn't really see that coming.
sarah (my ex, baby's momma, whatever) told me that she moved out of her dad's place the other day...spur of the moment decision. fucking whatever, i don't care. she picks up my daughter today and gives me her new address...and i got confused: i couldn't figure out why it didnt' have an apartment...
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sarah (my ex, baby's momma, whatever) told me that she moved out of her dad's place the other day...spur of the moment decision. fucking whatever, i don't care. she picks up my daughter today and gives me her new address...and i got confused: i couldn't figure out why it didnt' have an apartment...
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so i met the coolest girl tonight. she's's exactly like me... plays all the same games (plays games at all), drinks the same indie drinks, we like the same things... only problem is, she has a boyfriend. ah well. at least i know the kind of girl i want is out there.
the shoot was postponed. lame. ah well, i got called into an emergency networking job. nothing else to report. i'm tired. 2am, gotta be up in 4 hours. blah! nite nite.
dude! this redesign is hawt
on a seperate note, i'm going to Sashadoll Suicide's shoot monday. this should be great!

on a seperate note, i'm going to Sashadoll Suicide's shoot monday. this should be great!
ok, so it's been a pretty fucked up weekend. within two days, i hooked up with a friend, and broke up. she's a great girl, but not the one for me. we're better off friends. not to mention, i'm way too busy for a fucking relationship right now. she introduced me to her best friend, sasha, who just turns out to be one of the...
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