Last Thursday slipped by without me mentioning that it was forty-nine years ago that day that James Dean was run off the road by a farmer named Turnipseed. JD died; Turnipseed survived.
My best gal tells me I still look like James Dean (as if I ever did - she's so sweet), though more like Jet Rink at the gala opening of the Emperdor Hotel than like Jim Stark at Griffith Park.
And now I find out Janet Leigh died!
My best gal tells me I still look like James Dean (as if I ever did - she's so sweet), though more like Jet Rink at the gala opening of the Emperdor Hotel than like Jim Stark at Griffith Park.
And now I find out Janet Leigh died!
Sorry, I've been here in spirit, stuff at work is totally NUTS! We deploy in a few weeks and so I do nothing but work. The Navy doesn't look all that fondly at their girls looking at Naked chicks. Even if they're hot. So I check in when I can.....I'll be better once we leave, way more downtime. Thanks for looking out for me though, it's nice to be missed.
Actually, I'm Skipper Bubbleshorts of the fifth gamma quadrant. Have you heard of 'em?