How does one choose to view life? Is it by what he or she does, will do, or have done that makes them who they are? Are they anyone with or with out there sole mate? If you hit someone does it hurt you or them more? If you think your in love with someone is it just a means to escape loneliness? Or when you are in love and loved back is it true?
The nice guy, the asshole which one is really the better man? Through everyones eyes they see what they want to see, but whos to say its what they truly want. I use to think that having someone with me was the safest place to be. When I come to look back on that I see that being alone is more the safest place then anything in the world. But deep inside I long for companionship. But for now content with being alone. Somehow knowing someday ill find the one. At times feeling like theres no end to the journey. Feeling like Im missing out on sharing great moments with the special someone. Am I even ready to share my time with someone yet? I dont know but id like to. Sometimes I feel like Im not the person Im suppose to be until Ive joined with the one Im meant to be with. Like ill never will be anyone without them.
Many would say youre such a sap or whiner for saying things like this. And some would say that its a brave thing and shows the character of a person and how great he or she can and will be. I simply think both sides of the coin speak the truth. And that a person isnt anyone till they realize just that. To accept both weak and brave parts of them self to really become anyone.
You know the saying anyone can do anything. Its true anyone could if they wanted to. But would you really want to? Everyone is different and everyone is the same all in one. Its how you choose to view life that distinguishes them apart from each other.
If youve read this far Im sure youre thinking that this makes no sense what so ever. And a few will say nice things like I understand, youre not alone. In the end Im just sharing whats on my mind. Hopping someday ill find the light that will keep me warm. And allow me to give them the same comfort in return.
Am I a hopeless romantic? I think so. Its pretty much the one think I know that keeps me going every day I wake up. Reality comes and goes but dreams they last forever.
A persons dreams is what makes someone who they are. Theyre the one thing that can save them from reality. That can lift there spirit in the dark times and even make the good times a little bit better.
This is how I view life. Both with regret and satisfaction hand and hand. Thats what makes me who I am.
The nice guy, the asshole which one is really the better man? Through everyones eyes they see what they want to see, but whos to say its what they truly want. I use to think that having someone with me was the safest place to be. When I come to look back on that I see that being alone is more the safest place then anything in the world. But deep inside I long for companionship. But for now content with being alone. Somehow knowing someday ill find the one. At times feeling like theres no end to the journey. Feeling like Im missing out on sharing great moments with the special someone. Am I even ready to share my time with someone yet? I dont know but id like to. Sometimes I feel like Im not the person Im suppose to be until Ive joined with the one Im meant to be with. Like ill never will be anyone without them.
Many would say youre such a sap or whiner for saying things like this. And some would say that its a brave thing and shows the character of a person and how great he or she can and will be. I simply think both sides of the coin speak the truth. And that a person isnt anyone till they realize just that. To accept both weak and brave parts of them self to really become anyone.
You know the saying anyone can do anything. Its true anyone could if they wanted to. But would you really want to? Everyone is different and everyone is the same all in one. Its how you choose to view life that distinguishes them apart from each other.
If youve read this far Im sure youre thinking that this makes no sense what so ever. And a few will say nice things like I understand, youre not alone. In the end Im just sharing whats on my mind. Hopping someday ill find the light that will keep me warm. And allow me to give them the same comfort in return.
Am I a hopeless romantic? I think so. Its pretty much the one think I know that keeps me going every day I wake up. Reality comes and goes but dreams they last forever.
A persons dreams is what makes someone who they are. Theyre the one thing that can save them from reality. That can lift there spirit in the dark times and even make the good times a little bit better.
This is how I view life. Both with regret and satisfaction hand and hand. Thats what makes me who I am.
awww that is awesome darling when you have something new let me see....and thank you
Hehe, sorry you think that. But it's different, promise