Thursday Dec 15, 2005 Dec 15, 2005 0 Facebook Tweet Email well i had a blast at the 2005 tattoo X-mas party in dallas. for all yall that couldn't be there here's alil preview VIEW 3 of 3 COMMENTS arden: thank you for making me cry! Just those words alone have made me feel a lot better...It's amazing how much better you feel when you know there is someone or many someones (haha) out there that care about you and have you in your heart....thank you Dec 15, 2005 madison: what fancy company you have! Show looked like fun!!! Feb 5, 2006
Just those words alone have made me feel a lot better...It's amazing how much better you feel when you know there is someone or many someones (haha) out there that care about you and have you in your heart....thank you