Figured since I've been on a heavy grind with music lately, YouTube was one of my priorities for things I wanted to make sure I started to post through!

Someone Else (Techno Remix)

So since THOUGHT OF YOU was doing so well, currently 37th best overall song via Spinnin talentcharts and 2nd best for dance genre we thought we'd post one of the songs that we'd spent a long time working on, as the original got so much love ❤️

Scary Lullaby (Techno Version)

We really hope that you like this as a lot of you have been...
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It was her birthday on the 2nd but I didn't exactly feel great lately so I hadn't really mentioned it to anyone, but I figured since some of you really like the music I've done over the years and ofc without her I couldn't do any of this <3 So I thought I'd post the song that I was supposed to show her as I...
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I feel you there bro. I lost my mum when I was 14 and there is a blog about it I made about a week ago, discussing why music is important to me, in regards to my mum. My advice to you is that you continue to do her proud and, when you find yourself feeling moments of darkness, remember that even if nobody else is looking out for you, she always will be. Our parents never leave us, not really.
I’m sure she knew what was in your heart even if she didn’t know the song 🖤 may she rest in peace. I love the song - the arpeggios are fantastic.

We dropped a song we'd been working on for some months now! I know it's very dance oriented but we were really happy with it, I really hope you all enjoy it too < 3 Thought Of You - H3xL3A

This is like electronic Green Day or Shipping Up To Boston. Punk electronica I love it.
As a fan of all kinda punk and rock music more than anything this is such a huge compliment!! Thank you so much!! 🖤🖤

Honestly I won't lie, last year was messy, as was the year before. Literally started 2023 with my Mom's death which kinda knocked me a little bit. Then I'd been back and forth between treatments. Now as much as I managed getting by with producing music as a coping mechanism I guess I was slowly getting sick again.

Jump forward to 2024 it was that...
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@fredhincanada Thank you so much! Like I know empathy is really nice, but I think I just like knowing that people get where I'm coming from with this. Like keep in mind this person was not a content creator or anything, she was supposed to be my best friend, but clearly not is what I've learnt. Like I get it if you're friends with someone on OF or they're a content creator and you want to support them but this was friendship. Since when was that so costly?😫 But yess! It's a pleasure to meet you too! I'm always on here, just sometimes too awkward to type on other posts but I wanna get better with it : )
Things sound pretty rough. It sounds like you’re trying hard to find ways to stay positive, and I really respect that. If it’s any consolation, your music is amazing. I created a SoundCloud account just to listen. I hope music production is healing for you - thank you for sharing it. Feel free to reach out if you ever need to talk 🇬🇧