Yaaa, I'm home and my beloved Trogg was so freaking out to see me that she split her lip in a wee argument with Tate
I'm wiped out, I didn't sleep at all in Baltimore, did write three new tunes (one I may actually keep) and bought myself a lovely new zippo in gunmetal silver
Too tired to write much, but perhaps tomorrow I'll get around to uploading a pic or two of the trip... if I wake up... la la la la la lollipops
Oh yeah... I almost forgot something important. I just couldn't keep the word nipple out of my head today - talk about wicked sleep-deprived daydreams flying home

Too tired to write much, but perhaps tomorrow I'll get around to uploading a pic or two of the trip... if I wake up... la la la la la lollipops

Oh yeah... I almost forgot something important. I just couldn't keep the word nipple out of my head today - talk about wicked sleep-deprived daydreams flying home