OK so its been a long time since i got home at 5:02am. What a good time, and I got to play Tim's '54 les paul for the whole set - out bass rig felll over LOl too funny. So weird playing in mid suburbia nightclub, bizarro. Love youy all too drunk to fuck goodnighttttttt.....t..t.t.t.t..t...
More Blogs
Sunday Sep 14, 2008
Miss you all, hope you're well -
Wednesday Jul 09, 2008
The best part of my day wasn't the successful navigation of contracts… -
Saturday Jun 28, 2008
Today I learned that getting on a helicopter, flying to another city,… -
Thursday Apr 24, 2008
Wow not one post from me in March and almost missed April, things are… -
Monday Dec 31, 2007
It feels like the right time to end 2007, I'm SO looking forward to 2… -
Tuesday Dec 06, 2005
A long december and there's reason to believe maybe this year will be… -
Friday Nov 25, 2005
Maybe it's this greyness and rain, SAD, but I'm growing tired of thes… -
Wednesday Nov 23, 2005
Ok thanks to sweet Aeryn for tagging all who read her blog today... h… -
Tuesday Nov 22, 2005
So here's my evening dilemma, revise the set list for upcoming cover …
My friends are in Vancouver right now. They had excellent sushi at Blue Water Cafe (I think), but were sorely disappointed with the salsa dancing scene. Apparently only 3 men truly knew how to salsa (this may or may not be an exaggeration).
I'm off to Salt Lake City and the ubersafe crosswalks this week!