Met up with an ex, not the most recent, the one just before that. I thought I was over it but godDAMN it HURT. Real, physical pain. I didn't flicker, I didn't bat an eyelid. Not even when she first called me to say she was back in the country for the next year. Not even when she started asking me for little favours ("Can...
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You have a beautiful way with words. I also like what you had to say about Breath seems like you know what you're talking about.
Happy Birthday! Party Hard! 

Well, I split up with The Girl. Not being in love after a year says to me that it's not going to happen. Maybe I'm impatient... but I've fallen in love before, I know what it feels like. And it wasn't going to happen.
So we both got upset :-( but I feel that I've done the right thing. Surprisingly we're both still talking to...
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So we both got upset :-( but I feel that I've done the right thing. Surprisingly we're both still talking to...
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