I'm free at last!!!
I just finished writing my last final of the semester and damn does it feel good
Now all that I have to do is pack. I'm heading to Canada tomorrow afternoon for Christmas with the family. I didn't get to spend Christmas with them last year so I am really excited
I can't wait to see snow! Snow makes this time of year complete for me
I think my pet rat Loki was trying to hint at something haha
Anyways, I'm sorry I have been so busy and haven't been on here very much! As of now it is Christmas break which means more SG time
I just finished writing my last final of the semester and damn does it feel good

I think my pet rat Loki was trying to hint at something haha
Anyways, I'm sorry I have been so busy and haven't been on here very much! As of now it is Christmas break which means more SG time

i wish you a nice and recharging holiday with your family