Hello everyone and welcome to the new year I hope all of you had a wonderful holiday! As for me, I had a wonderful time back in Canada with my family, friends and SNOW! It's was nice to have a white Christmas haha. Santa spoiled me this year, I guess I was a good girl haha As you new years, I told myself that I wasn't going to drink and that if i did it wouldn't be a lot. Well....that did last long at all! My friend was buying me all of my booze that night and when it's free, it's hard to say no! So I didn't bring in the new years with a kiss, I did however bring it in at the bar by grabbing two more Molson Canadians that added to the five that were already downed. Later that night I was making a urgent call to the big white telephone, I mixed way to many drinks. I have never drank myself to that point, it was a first for me believe it or not! I'm more of a smoker then a drinker. But, besides hanging over the toilet for about an hour, I did have a good night Another thing to report is that I am also bringing in 2009 with a new guy. His name is Kyle and we met when I tried out for his movie at our school. He is a flim major and extremely talented! We hit it off right from the start and I couldn't be happier When I returned to California he picked me up at the airport with a dozen roses Then on friday we went to Disneyland and had a blast! Things are going great I also started my second semester on Monday. I'm taking my animal sciences and I'm very excited. In my animal behavior class I have to buy two rats and train them to find their way through a maze within a good time range. I'm gonna name them Pinkie and Brain and whoever finds their way through the maze first is going to be named Brain haha. In my spare time I'm trying to put together ideas for another set. I have a bunch floating around right now and I'm trying to pick the one that I think will get picked but I have no idea how to go about it haha. I really want one of my sets to go live and i think with each set I'm getting better. Plus I will have more help for the next one and because of that it should turn out great, so once again, keep your eyes alert!
With love
With love