It's been almost two months since my last post, so I thought it's about that time for another one. I'm sure you're all wondering what I've been up to.......not haha. Well, I've been living on my own for the last month now. I'm all moved into my new apartment that's located in a really nice area. It's close to my school which is a bonus. School is going well and I enjoy it even though it's taking up a good portion of my life. But I keep telling myself that it will all be worth it in the end. The bills keep piling up to remind me that I'm doing this all on my own. My family is 1,301 miles away and even though it's a plane ride away it still feels like a lifetime. I'm living with two girls that I'm just getting to know. I have never had any sisters and I'm already getting sick of girls being around me ALL the time haha. They use my shit more then my brothers ever did and I'm not use to that. But hey, it could be worse and these are by far small things that I have to deal with. Being out here has had is ups and downs, but I'm doing it and I seem to be doing ok. I love it out here. I have done so many amazing things already and I can't wait to do more. I might stay here a little longer then planned. So through it all, I'm finally in a better place. I hardly think of my ex anymore who supposedly has girlfriend now but has evidently became a player. My mom tells me all the time how he is still working his shitty job, wearing the same clothes, and with a different girl everytime she sees him. Hearing that he's still not going anywhere with his life makes me happy that he broke my heart. I was heartbroken at first but come on. I'm living in California and doing something that people in my hometown only dream about. I'm living life large and not just talking about it. I plan on getting somewhere and I'm not gonna stop til I get there. for Christmas and I can hardly wait. It's gonna be great to see everyone and I will get a christmas with lots of snow, the way it should be haha. I know it's been taking a while for the next set but my photographer and close friend has been busy moving into her new place with her boyfriend and just got around to sending my the disk in the mail. So as soon as i get it it will be up here so get ready to vote and leave comments haha!
Talk to you soon
With love
Talk to you soon
With love
Can't wait for the new set.