I love a ton of superheroes but it's not hard to pick my absolute favorite.
I love love love the mighty Thor.
He is a Norse mythological deity for crying out loud! He's the Asgardian god of thunder, son of the great Odin if anybody keeps up with Greek mythology ;) Thor can literally be looked up in textbooks
I feel he is highly overlooked by people but he is phenomenal in battle, and wicked with his mjolnir... he may be a bit of a brut but he pulls his own weight plus some and although his strategies aren't well thought out his godly strength, speed, and capability of flight just rips through many situations. He's like a raging locomotive blasting through whatever comes in his way.
He is also caring in his own way which gives this God some human like qualities and one can sympathize with him and I mean he can pick up mjolnir so he must be worthy of something, right?
He's also not bad to look at ;) .... I'd worship him xP
Thanks @missy & @rambo <3
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