i feelyou closer than my skin
a pulsating attraction
you wrap your legs around my face like its in fashion
i commandeer your skin
cause i feel you closer than my skin

you know i love it when you sway
attack me when were dancin
like you cant breathe until were fuckin
i devoure your body rockin
you know i love it when you sway...
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yum mad love love
purdy, that's good...yes!
geez...theres something wrong with my scanner, but any who,
still no luck with a house but im looking.
last night i was driving around, it was kind of a moody night out, i dont know, there was just this feeling of introspective meloncholy, so the song iris came on by the goo goo dolls and in the first verse he starts out " and i'd...
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i've just discovered sg and im very curious to see what comes of it. im definetly turned on by all the painted women
and well... we'll see i guess. its about 130 in the am, im a night owl, all day yesterday i went looking for a house around the laguana beach area, but no luck so far, i am so bored in my life...
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