Remember, remember the fifth of November. The gunpowder treason and plot. I know of no reason why the gunpowder treason should ever be forgot.
Halloween was recently. I had a spur of the moment idea for a Halloween costume. And I think I succeeded in what I wanted to do. I went to a Rocky Horror Picture Show and my costume seemed to suit it pretty well. Big thanks to April Berardi for the awesome pics.
What do you want? Truly, what do you want out of this life? What would you love to see take place in this world? In this country? In your city?
Thinking of a career is so hard to do. You think of something you love, and then ponder...could I do this for the rest of my life? Or is this just something that interests me right now? I want to make an impact on the world. Do something good. But what am I supposed to do? No one knows. I'm starting college at University of Tennessee in the spring (transferring from my community college after this semester with an Associate's), and I'll tell you, I'm not looking forward to it. I'm in my seventh semester of a four semester community college. And I enjoy it. Why? Because it's small, has good professors who enjoy what they do and have always helped out and want you to succeed. Why else? It's cheap and doesn't have sports. So, here goes a small rant if you care to read...
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
The way I see college is in the U.S., universities have mascots and sports teams. People play sports from an early age and then play in high school. Many want to go play at the college level. And some want to go pro...mainly football. Millions of dollars are paid to professional athletes. Millions of dollars are put into college sports programs. Why? What is so important about these sports other than pure entertainment value that we feel the need to do this? I enjoy some sports. Personally care practically nothing about football, baseball, basketball...the big three in the U.S. But all this is rallied around in college. UTK has 37,000 students while my college now at my campus has around 2,000. So many people. So little parking at UTK. It's overwhelming. Sitting in classes of hundreds of other students with a professor whose main concern is their own research and teaching is just a side thing. And right now, people have enough worries with college. There are so many college graduates in this economy right now that graduate with over 50,000 dollars in student loans and will pay back five times that with interest and fines. They have a Bachelor's or Master's degree, are inexperienced and/or overeducated/overqualified for a job and they can't find one. Working two or more minimum wage jobs just to make their rent while they have a degree that is practically worthless. Because they went to college to study what they wanted to. Not what someone told them they had to. I wish for equality. And I foresee that wish never being fulfilled.
If you didn't read that, and skipped to here, or if you did. I'm sure everyone can agree on this. This is FDR's proposal for a 2nd Bill of Rights. This was never implemented in the U.S. But after World War II, the Axis powers all had restructured governments and new constitutions. With all of these things implemented in Japan, Germany, and Italy. Every person in the world should deserve every single one of these things. Why is any person any different from another? Equality.