Still loving every bit of Anthropology that I am doing. It's absolutely fantastic. I love learning about new things from the history of the world. I've been watching a fair amount of documentaries on space and anthropology because I'm a nerd. But, I have awesome news. I'm getting to go to Peru this least I'm about 99% sure I get to go to Peru. I will be studying Prehistoric Archaeology for a month down there. I am so excited to get this opportunity to do this. It will be absolutely fantastic, and I will get course credit for doing it. After this semester, I will only have four classes to go until I can transfer to UTK (University of Tennessee: Knoxville). I am just ready to get the ball rolling.
13 days from now, I will have my left sleeve completely finished. Have my windbars done, suction cups of the octopus, outline redone to make it bolder, and add texture to the octopus. I am very excited to have it finished. I will have put in 17-18 hours of work. And hopefully by May I will have done my Sylvia Ji halfsleeve of Day of the Dead girls.
So I've fallen in love. With an absolute sweetheart. Her name is Sophie, and she is my cat. Technically my sister's cat, but she sleeps with me, I feel her, buy her food, empty her litter box, and she pretty much always stays in my room.
She is pretty much the sweetest thing ever. That's her helping me study.
I have started to become really relaxed lately. I'm really trying not to let something get to me or blow up at someone. There is no point in it. It doesn't get me anywhere, but sometimes maybe make you feel better. I went downstairs about an hour ago to put a plate in the dishwasher, and I got some water also. The trashcan smelled bad in the kitchen. My sister was standing there with two of her friends. I kindly asked if she would take it out, and she blew up at me saying I never do anything. I didn't say a word to her, just turned around and started to tie the bag up myself. And as I was walking towards the front door and she was yelling at me, I calmly said "I did the dishes today and emptied the dishwasher earlier. We contribute equally. And I absolutely love the cat, but if she is technically yours, you need to help contribute taking care of her." As I was walking out the door, all I hear was "THAT'S BULLSHIT! YOU KNOW WHAT?! FUCK YOU BRANDON!" I kindly told her that yelling "fuck you" at me isn't going to get her point across, and that she can talk to me like a human being. She said "I know it won't, but it made me feel better saying it to you." I just got my water and went upstairs. I've given up trying with my sister. Would someone like to come and get a place with me? I promise I'm a good roommate, quiet, caring, tidy, and I cook well. I need somewhere else to live, because living here is bringing unwanted stress into my life. Even when I'm trying to block it out.
I hope everyone is doing well. Enjoy some links I've found over the past couple of weeks from StumbleUpon:
Famous World Ideologies: Explained With Cows
90 Incredible Pencil and Illustration Drawings
Still Life: Bent Objects (one of my favorites)
Haha, I enjoy reading your blogs, I always read each one, even if I don't comment
Oh i'll come and live with you then, i'll tell your sister whats what