What do you want to do before you die? Because I want to go to Europe and do this...
Wingsuit Basejumping
You don't have to read the rant...but I think I have more after my small rant...
I'm really to the point where I don't even look forward to going into work anymore. Not that I dread it, just that I feel like I don't have much motivation to go into work. Busy all the time, and nothing changes anymore. I don't want to deal with my employees drama. I really hope I wasn't whiney and bitchy when I was 16 and 17. I feel like a glorified babysitter. I also don't see the point in having staff meetings anymore, nothing you say sticks. Just goes in one ear and out the other. All they hear at the 9 AM staff meeting is "free chicken biscuit from Chic-Fil-A." Eh, I think I've gotten my point across. I enjoy putting forth extra effort and making things look nice at work, but sometimes you can't even get a thank you. I'm sure all of you have been in this position in one form or another at some point. /endrant
Told my mom and stepdad on Christmas day that I'm an atheist. I felt that it was important for them to know about me. Neither of them cared, at all. And they both agreed with a lot of the stuff that I had to say. I guess somehow I never really noticed it about them, but turns out neither of them are really religious. My stepdad (Greg) is fairly agnostic it seems, and my mom seems that way also. I know they quit going to church. I feel relieved. Because even if I say I don't care what they think about it, nobody wants to let their parents down.
No camera for Christmas, but my parents hinted at doing something special for my 21st...
Moved back in just fine, and I don't know what I'm going to do when I do have to move. It's months away and nothing I have to worry about now...but I will eventually have to start thinking about it.
Wingsuit Basejumping
You don't have to read the rant...but I think I have more after my small rant...
I'm really to the point where I don't even look forward to going into work anymore. Not that I dread it, just that I feel like I don't have much motivation to go into work. Busy all the time, and nothing changes anymore. I don't want to deal with my employees drama. I really hope I wasn't whiney and bitchy when I was 16 and 17. I feel like a glorified babysitter. I also don't see the point in having staff meetings anymore, nothing you say sticks. Just goes in one ear and out the other. All they hear at the 9 AM staff meeting is "free chicken biscuit from Chic-Fil-A." Eh, I think I've gotten my point across. I enjoy putting forth extra effort and making things look nice at work, but sometimes you can't even get a thank you. I'm sure all of you have been in this position in one form or another at some point. /endrant
Told my mom and stepdad on Christmas day that I'm an atheist. I felt that it was important for them to know about me. Neither of them cared, at all. And they both agreed with a lot of the stuff that I had to say. I guess somehow I never really noticed it about them, but turns out neither of them are really religious. My stepdad (Greg) is fairly agnostic it seems, and my mom seems that way also. I know they quit going to church. I feel relieved. Because even if I say I don't care what they think about it, nobody wants to let their parents down.
No camera for Christmas, but my parents hinted at doing something special for my 21st...
Moved back in just fine, and I don't know what I'm going to do when I do have to move. It's months away and nothing I have to worry about now...but I will eventually have to start thinking about it.
well there you have it. suck it up and keep on truckin
best of luck dealing with your underlings