My Christmas Wishlist - My list is currently short, but growing.
For anyone who saw my idea for my sleeve of maple leaves that are going to be "fall" oriented, these beauties are in the January Tattoo Magazine.
Finals all next week. I think I'm ready. With school, I have realized something recently. So...we are studying Evolution as the last thing in my Biology class. I've realized this...Biology is the class I spent the most time on, am the most interested in, enjoy the most, and the class I'm doing the best in. And yet I'm a business major. And I don't enjoy it. I think I might be in the wrong major...UTK has a degree in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. Maybe look into that? I don't know. But I've figure out that I'm going to be in school for the rest of my life I believe. So be it. Knowledge is power, and with the way the unemployment rate is currently, college is where I want to be.
I spoke with my Biology professor about it and the reason I enjoy it so much is because I'm an atheist. She had never said it outright, of course because she is a professor, but she is an atheist as well. And if you're the least bit into science and question stuff, I'm sure most are. So enjoy these brilliant comedians and their work. All of their work is great. And I wish I was British or Irish.
Dave Allen
Dara O' Briain - I urge you to look up more of his material
Jim Jeffries