I'm not really here. Just a figment of your imagination. what ever are you doing here, anyway? prying? ogling? snooping? checking in? lurking? shoo! away with your dirty self, intruder!!! nipples come in all shapes and sizes. who would have thought...? who knew that your nose dripped when you smelled the lilacs? how many keyboards would be found to have traces (if not bucketloads) of cum on them were they to be wrung through forensics? hmmm.. a lot. mine included. dirty dog. dirty wolf. we're all just dirty. but soooooo normal it is to be "dirty". dogs lick eachother's balls. why oh why can't we?
it's a hot sunny day today in toronto. maybe i need to open the blinds and let some air in. better yet, how about i take a walk down the street with the kid for som limonata gelato? mmmmmmmmm
seeya in the moon sauce, cowboys and cowgirls!
it's a hot sunny day today in toronto. maybe i need to open the blinds and let some air in. better yet, how about i take a walk down the street with the kid for som limonata gelato? mmmmmmmmm
seeya in the moon sauce, cowboys and cowgirls!

I enjoyed a nice double-scoop, chocolate fudge brownie and pecan swirl ice-cream today. It was deeeeeeeeeeeeeee-lish! (smacking lips)

It's beeen rainy and English here, but I don't mind. I've just been indoors working 24/7 anyway. Up until 3am yesterday compositing images and prepping some print work. Today I am a bleery eyed zombie (who must still work all day today, Sat, and Sun to meet a deadline).