Hi all! My name is Trixxxi-updass and I just turned 18! I'm going to start my adult life off right and pose naked for all to see my perky lil' boobs, tight lil' ass, the poutiest pout I can muster and my brand new badass tattoos. ooooooo, I hope I get some good feedback from all the viewers... tell me I'm hot, tell me you want to fuck me, tell me that your balls are bangin' against eachother with excitement and you're sittin' in a puddle of semen after looking at my pix. validate me so I can go forth into adulthood knowing that my ass is worth a couple of hundred bucks at least (and a free t-shirt!!) and that I'll be loved if I wear skimpy outfits and project a rebellious image. haha, mom and dad will be soooo pissed off! maybe they'll actually pay some attention to me now... wow, look at me, I'm so hot
18 is too fucking young to know shitall. validate yourself with self-awareness, not self-projection.
note: this is in no way mockery. it's commentary based on concern and disappointment. there's a sadness underneath all of this. really, there is.
18 is too fucking young to know shitall. validate yourself with self-awareness, not self-projection.
note: this is in no way mockery. it's commentary based on concern and disappointment. there's a sadness underneath all of this. really, there is.
great moral news !? - the good news over that "cours de rcration" it's Mr Faune & Miss P did through over the communes rules : des images justes ou juste des images? Nous savons diraient les beaux baigneurs que nous sommes - don't forget the marshmallow

Yeah, nothing too exciting going on over here. Same ol' same ol. Heading up to Edmonton tomorrow to visit the folks and maybe do some shopping. Should be fun. I'll go write a new journal entry now so that you don't need to worry anymore.