ok, this has to be a very quick update because, well, I ain't up at 4am just for the fun of it (I've got a deadline this morning and yesterday was one of those fucking hellish mornings where EVERYTHING managed to go wrong:
it all started when I woke up wayyyy past my alarm and I had to scramble to get my son fed, washed, clothed, myself fed, washed, clothed and off to school for Sy and off to work for me, and send off files to 2 clients (I missed one deadline, but it was no biggie - that's what I'm working on now)- all in less than an hour.... and there was NO FUCKING WATER and the cab was late and then I couldn't find anything to wear so I pissed the cab driver off by, in turn, being even more late myself and then had to listen to him lecture me about how it's not right to keep a cab waiting and that he's only making 4 bucks off this and so, being the morally plagued bastard that I am, I "had" to toss him an extra $3 on top of the $4 (oh yeah, that shut him up - all of a sudden he was like, "have a nice day ma'am").... phew!
Anyways, I was a rank mess yesterday with mismatched clothes, greasy hair and bad breath. lovely.... and I realized that I need to invest some cash into buying my ass some new clothes cuz what I got just ain't payin' any justice to my truly funkified self. Why is it that I can luv what I'm wearing most of the time, 'cept when it comes to getting dressed for work - I always end up looking like somebody I'm not. SO, new approach to dressing for work: just be my mildly funky self and dress whatever way i want for work, but amplify it a bit with some extra class.... ah whatever... I gotta get working now - there's the quick entry. I plan to respond to the friendly friends who commented here tomorrow - I'll have way more time.
over and out.
ps - it appears that the SG gods are now deliberately trying to piss me off with their string of 1986ers these last few days... retarded, i tell ya. Oh, and a completely unrelated morsel: my 4-year-old son somehow managed to let the word "fucken'" roll off his tongue way too easily and in perfect context the other day and shocked the shit outta me - it was terribly wrong and gave me a terrible look at myself in the proverbial kid mirror, but it was also so terribly perfectly hilarious. Don't worry, I beat his ass and washed his mouth out with soap and made him write "I won't fucken' swear ever again in public" on his Ikea chalkboard.
ok, that was a lot for a quicky...
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it all started when I woke up wayyyy past my alarm and I had to scramble to get my son fed, washed, clothed, myself fed, washed, clothed and off to school for Sy and off to work for me, and send off files to 2 clients (I missed one deadline, but it was no biggie - that's what I'm working on now)- all in less than an hour.... and there was NO FUCKING WATER and the cab was late and then I couldn't find anything to wear so I pissed the cab driver off by, in turn, being even more late myself and then had to listen to him lecture me about how it's not right to keep a cab waiting and that he's only making 4 bucks off this and so, being the morally plagued bastard that I am, I "had" to toss him an extra $3 on top of the $4 (oh yeah, that shut him up - all of a sudden he was like, "have a nice day ma'am").... phew!
Anyways, I was a rank mess yesterday with mismatched clothes, greasy hair and bad breath. lovely.... and I realized that I need to invest some cash into buying my ass some new clothes cuz what I got just ain't payin' any justice to my truly funkified self. Why is it that I can luv what I'm wearing most of the time, 'cept when it comes to getting dressed for work - I always end up looking like somebody I'm not. SO, new approach to dressing for work: just be my mildly funky self and dress whatever way i want for work, but amplify it a bit with some extra class.... ah whatever... I gotta get working now - there's the quick entry. I plan to respond to the friendly friends who commented here tomorrow - I'll have way more time.
over and out.
ps - it appears that the SG gods are now deliberately trying to piss me off with their string of 1986ers these last few days... retarded, i tell ya. Oh, and a completely unrelated morsel: my 4-year-old son somehow managed to let the word "fucken'" roll off his tongue way too easily and in perfect context the other day and shocked the shit outta me - it was terribly wrong and gave me a terrible look at myself in the proverbial kid mirror, but it was also so terribly perfectly hilarious. Don't worry, I beat his ass and washed his mouth out with soap and made him write "I won't fucken' swear ever again in public" on his Ikea chalkboard.

ok, that was a lot for a quicky...
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Ok girl gotta go and work.
Have yourself a good day
Oh well, here comes the weekend. Have a nice one.