surprise, surprise... people actually read my shit
... hehe.
But really, now, I'm only letting this memebership run out cuz I just don't feel like adding to a pot that's brewin' some rank shit, if ya know what I'm sayin' - it's really no biggie - I'll be hangin' on to the chosen few who I've developed friendships with outside of the porno walls... but it always surprises me to see people who are not on my friends list saying hello - you guys always seem to make an appearance when I'm on my way out
It's funny - last night I was reflecting on my past journal entries, and I realize just how much things have changed. I used to be much more candid, much more open, much more flowy in my thoughts here. But shit happened along the way and I guess I started to feel a touch of stage fright or sumthin'... I dunno. I just feel now like I don't want all my deepest thoughts put out here because, well, all of a sudden I realize I rather leave certain things in the vault. Though, honestly, I think my best relationships here were made by allowing myself to be honestly myself and people responding to that. But now, i dunno, things have changed - across the board, not just in my entries. I want to write my deepest thoughts, like, DAMN I NEED A FUCK!!!!, but I know that that will just be met with a string of comments from random dudes offering their services up to me and, well, effectively creeping me the fuck out. hehe... moments like this I really could use that little devil head icon smiley thing-a-ma-jig...
anyhoo, ten left. let's make 'em good ones.
[ 10 ]

... hehe.
But really, now, I'm only letting this memebership run out cuz I just don't feel like adding to a pot that's brewin' some rank shit, if ya know what I'm sayin' - it's really no biggie - I'll be hangin' on to the chosen few who I've developed friendships with outside of the porno walls... but it always surprises me to see people who are not on my friends list saying hello - you guys always seem to make an appearance when I'm on my way out

It's funny - last night I was reflecting on my past journal entries, and I realize just how much things have changed. I used to be much more candid, much more open, much more flowy in my thoughts here. But shit happened along the way and I guess I started to feel a touch of stage fright or sumthin'... I dunno. I just feel now like I don't want all my deepest thoughts put out here because, well, all of a sudden I realize I rather leave certain things in the vault. Though, honestly, I think my best relationships here were made by allowing myself to be honestly myself and people responding to that. But now, i dunno, things have changed - across the board, not just in my entries. I want to write my deepest thoughts, like, DAMN I NEED A FUCK!!!!, but I know that that will just be met with a string of comments from random dudes offering their services up to me and, well, effectively creeping me the fuck out. hehe... moments like this I really could use that little devil head icon smiley thing-a-ma-jig...
anyhoo, ten left. let's make 'em good ones.
[ 10 ]
Yes! let's be Canadian and bond with the few tv shows we could watch as children
If you take peak at my favorite tv shows section in my profile I'm sure you'll recognize some stuff you might have also watched
Beads, garbage pale kids cards well I'd say cute here but hum I'm kinda scared you might just steam roller my ass or something. So I'll play safe here and say cool, notice I didn't say cute, right I didn't say cute well not oficially I guess
Witney! Ok here's my deepest darkest 1986 13 year old secret.
I also loved that joint YO!
But listening to Suicidal Tendencies, megadeth and beastie boys there was no way in hell I was ever gonna let anybody know that I actually liked that tune
Hey if SG don't feel right then it don't feel right I guess
Your membership might just go on a little over ten days so looks like you're stuck with me for a wee bit longer... NER NER NER NER NER NER NER NER
I'm not worthy and honored you'd put me on