nothing. really. ever. happens.
holy fuck, is it just me or does that chickadee Kenzie from yesterday's sets look like a little girl who hit puberty too soon? 1986... too fucking young...
>>update>> fucking hell! another baby girl getting naked: Tex. I really thought that smarter, cooler people were running this show... WTF?! I figure I may as well use my last 11 days here to just rant about this bullshit - or till I'm cut off. Not that anyone reads my anal entries, anyway. Gone are the days that I actually got a kick out of this place.
[ 11 ]

holy fuck, is it just me or does that chickadee Kenzie from yesterday's sets look like a little girl who hit puberty too soon? 1986... too fucking young...
>>update>> fucking hell! another baby girl getting naked: Tex. I really thought that smarter, cooler people were running this show... WTF?! I figure I may as well use my last 11 days here to just rant about this bullshit - or till I'm cut off. Not that anyone reads my anal entries, anyway. Gone are the days that I actually got a kick out of this place.
[ 11 ]
Me: Skate boarding just discovered hip hop and speed metal with the likes of Beastie boys, run dmc, suicidal tendencies, Megadeth.
Yes it's mind bogling I must say.
I too wanted to cancel my membership on account of this but in the end I'm still having fun around here so I guess I'll stay on for a spell.
So I guess it looks like you got the likes of me reading your journal, not much of a consolation prize but hey better than nothin I guess
So THIS is your misterious arts performance it's a shame your leaving now but que seras seras I guess.
So here's me blowing a fake hollywood type kiss
Your friendly neighborhood teddykev