Your War Zone
step into your war zone
words like hair triggered snipers
land mines of if you were only and who I need to be
guilt like a razors edge
guilt like a trip wire
guilt like a land mine
and shame
say these words
feign empathy
think these thoughts
convey through tone and expression
wrap it up with a pretty bow
wrap it up in your insincere loving words
intentions with false bottoms
spaces in between in which I constantly slip
slip through the cracks of your well being
I am wrong
I will always be wrong
I have always been wrong
my shield of compliance has eroded
I can hide no more
with bombs of blame overhead
and degradation loaded hand grenades pointed in my direction
I choose the cover of my own true self in the making
I choose not to continue to allow your access to this knife wound
I will no longer just sit back and watch as it bleeds
Gypsy, 2012
step into your war zone
words like hair triggered snipers
land mines of if you were only and who I need to be
guilt like a razors edge
guilt like a trip wire
guilt like a land mine
and shame
say these words
feign empathy
think these thoughts
convey through tone and expression
wrap it up with a pretty bow
wrap it up in your insincere loving words
intentions with false bottoms
spaces in between in which I constantly slip
slip through the cracks of your well being
I am wrong
I will always be wrong
I have always been wrong
my shield of compliance has eroded
I can hide no more
with bombs of blame overhead
and degradation loaded hand grenades pointed in my direction
I choose the cover of my own true self in the making
I choose not to continue to allow your access to this knife wound
I will no longer just sit back and watch as it bleeds
Gypsy, 2012