Without Further Ado...
I have been practicing drawing a little bit again. Just more eyes. Why just eyes, you ask? The answer is simple, systems. A guy that Toast worked with for a minute gave him a couple of portrait drawing books. Toast didnt need them so he asked if I could use them. I dont like rules when it comes to anything artistic (writing, drawing, dancing, singing). Ok, thats a bit of a mistruth, I just got done saying that this all has to do with my systems, which if youve been paying attention, are full of rules. Let me correct that, I hate other peoples rules, or putting general rules on art type things, but I dont really know how to survive without my own rules. I hope that clears things up a bit.
Anyway, so, I have these portrait drawing books, but I wont use them because I dont like to draw by the rules. I didnt want to waste them, so Im using some of the example pictures as references. Ill be doing this for awhile, so eyes, then lips and noses Then Ill start looking at other peoples work, and either copying or doing my interpretation of them, still for practice. It will be a long time before I draw anything original. After all of that rambling, I finally get to my point, which is, Ive decided to post my recent drawing practice even though it is just more eyes because
A. I told a few people I would post whatever I draw, although Im guessing they didnt realize that it would just be a bunch of eyes for awhile.
B. Im proud of myself for actually drawing, even if it is just eyes. Ive been promising myself that I would start drawing again for the past couple/few years and havent been able to get myself to until now. Admitting that Im proud of myself is hard, and I need a safe place to be proud of me.
C. I dont have anything better to post about, or maybe I do, but I just dont feel like it. Im trying to get to a place where my life is filled with art, and music, and family, and love, and Not filled with just the internet. So, Im not here near as often as I used to be, and thats a good thing.
So, without further ado, two more eyes

I have been practicing drawing a little bit again. Just more eyes. Why just eyes, you ask? The answer is simple, systems. A guy that Toast worked with for a minute gave him a couple of portrait drawing books. Toast didnt need them so he asked if I could use them. I dont like rules when it comes to anything artistic (writing, drawing, dancing, singing). Ok, thats a bit of a mistruth, I just got done saying that this all has to do with my systems, which if youve been paying attention, are full of rules. Let me correct that, I hate other peoples rules, or putting general rules on art type things, but I dont really know how to survive without my own rules. I hope that clears things up a bit.
Anyway, so, I have these portrait drawing books, but I wont use them because I dont like to draw by the rules. I didnt want to waste them, so Im using some of the example pictures as references. Ill be doing this for awhile, so eyes, then lips and noses Then Ill start looking at other peoples work, and either copying or doing my interpretation of them, still for practice. It will be a long time before I draw anything original. After all of that rambling, I finally get to my point, which is, Ive decided to post my recent drawing practice even though it is just more eyes because
A. I told a few people I would post whatever I draw, although Im guessing they didnt realize that it would just be a bunch of eyes for awhile.
B. Im proud of myself for actually drawing, even if it is just eyes. Ive been promising myself that I would start drawing again for the past couple/few years and havent been able to get myself to until now. Admitting that Im proud of myself is hard, and I need a safe place to be proud of me.
C. I dont have anything better to post about, or maybe I do, but I just dont feel like it. Im trying to get to a place where my life is filled with art, and music, and family, and love, and Not filled with just the internet. So, Im not here near as often as I used to be, and thats a good thing.
So, without further ado, two more eyes
