Ive been tagged again, by Lexi at thee truth is, and Marci at Mm172001s Blog. Im not going to make up my own questions and tag anyone else but I do like the answering silly and random questions, and Im a good sport, so I will answer their questions.
Lexis questions -
1. Who is a character you can relate to in a movie and why? Wow, Im sitting here trying to think, and I cant come up with anyone. I know that there are movies that I relate to, so Im sure that there are characters, but Im drawing a blank. I just went and looked through our movies, and all I can come up with is Joon, from Benny and Joon, just because I know what its like not to always feel like your in control of yourself, and also what it feels like to feel like you arent aloud to make your own choices, like you have to be watched and taken care of all the time.
2. What was your favorite television show growing up? As you all know, I cant pick favorites, so here are a few off the top of my head, The Wonder Years, Simpsons, The X-Files, Profiler
3. Why did you start a blog on WordPress and what is the meaning behind your URL? I started my blog as a way to get the shit in my head out of it, and to hopefully help others not feel so alone in their struggles, and to let people who dont understand mental illness get an honest view of what the day to day can be like, hoping that it might help someone to empathize. The meaning behing my URL? I kind of like that you asked because sometimes people refer to me as gypsy116. I never say anything but its a bit annoying. The Gypsy part is my name (or my preferred name anyway). The 116 part is my birthday, as in January 16. I didnt want to use the name of my blog because its long, so I used my name instead, plain old gypsy.wordpress.com was taken, so I added the 116.
4. Heres a cliche question. If you could be one animal, what would it be and why? I have no idea. Toast and I have had this conversation, oh so many times, and I can never decide.
5. Do you prefer ponds, lakes, or oceans? Why? Lakes. The big fish in the ocean scare me, and you dont usually swim in a pond.
6. If you had one day to live and you could only spend it with one person, who would it be and what would you do? I have to say Toast, even though just saying it makes my stomach turn. I dont want to pick one person. I want to say Toast, and Jen, and the girls, and I dont really know what we would do. I would have to put more thought into that than I have at the moment, the only thing I know for sure is that there would be sex.
7. What is your favorite music album ever released? Ah, why must everyone always need to know favorites? I can not pick just one. I know this is just a question but trying to pick one is making me feel panicky, so heres a few. The Downward Spiral Nine Inch Nails, Antichrist Superstar Marilyn Manson, Aenima Tool Yeah, I have to stop, even trying to pick only one from a band is making me feel panicky.
8. Would you prefer to have no legs or no arms? Whyd you pick what you picked? Fuck, thats a hard one, Id prefer to keep all of my limbs, thank you. Im sitting here thinking and I cant decide. Every time I think Ive decided, I think of something else and again, dont know. I think Im just going to cross my fingers and hope that I never lose either, but if I ever did happen to, try to think that I would learn to deal with it, either way.
9. Would you rather have 110 degree weather or below zero weather? (for my Celsius friends would you like really fucking hot weather or really cold weather) 110 degrees, no question.
10. What is your favorite piece of artwork and who created it? I like/love a lot of art, but my favorite artist will always be Toast. Obviously, Im a little biased here, but just because hes my husband, doesnt mean I love all of his work. Im not a fan of most of his landscapes, and abstract pieces, not that I think theyre not good, they are, I just feel like they dont showcase his creativity, and/or talent. Here are a some that I love. (warning, nudity ahead, please overt your eyes if that kind of thing offends you)
(I cant get them to post. If anyone wants to see, youll have to go to the original post)
11. If you could create a type of Jelly Bean what would the flavor be? I dont think I would, I dont like Jelly Beans.
Marcis questions -
1. If you were offered a six month paid for vacation any where you wanted but you would have to leave tomorrow would you take it? If so and you could only take one person with you who would you take? Fuck yes, and Toast.
2. What is your favorite book and why? Generally, I answer this question with Sybil, by Flora Rheta Schrieber because Ive read it a bunch of times (the 1st time I read it I was only in 7th grade. If youve ever read it, you know its not really appropriate for that age, but Ive always been interested in abnormal psychology), but truth be told, I dont really have a favorite book. I love to read, anything that interests me, and I love many, many books.
3. If you could have any pet regardless of laws or cost for care what type of animal would you want? Absolutely, positively, can not answer this question. I love and want them all. Toast and I have conversations all of the time about the zoo and/or farm that we will one day have, and all the animals in it. It usually starts something like this.
Me: I want a pig (or whatever animal that starts it), can we get a pig?
Toast: Yes, we can get a pig.
Me: And a goat, and a hedgehog, and a tiger, ooh, ooh, and an elephant, and a. (this goes on for awhile before he finally stops me and we start talking about how were going to someday have our own zoo)
4. What do you believe happens when we die? I dont know, and dont believe that we can know until we die. I have lots of ideas about the possibilities but that would be a whole post in itself, actually, I have written about this, feel free to read this post if youd like.
5. Favorite dry cereal (box)? Kashi Go Lean Crunch, Honey Almond Flax
6. If you could pick your mother either from someone you know in real life, a famous person, a fictional character, or your own. What/who would you chose and why? Ive had a lot of issues with my mom in the past, still do. I honestly think Jen and I would have turned out better if my dad would have left her and raised us on his own. That being said, I love my mom, she means well, Ive forgiven her the best that I can for now (I still need to work on that) but I would not trade her. Do I wish that she had her own issues better under control? Do I wish she hadnt basically transferred her issues to us? Do I wish she could see the consequences of her actions and words? Yes, I definitely do. Unfortunately, thats not the case, but I shes my mom, and I love her.
7. What is your favorite word? Least favorite word? Words I like = fuck, ginormous, fanfuckingtastic, myriad, melancholy (especially the way Megamind pronounces it) Words I dont like = Any word meaning vomit (I force myself to use them because I dont want the fear to spread that far, but its hard, and I do not like it), I dont like it when people refer to their genitals as their junk (please either use the correct term, i.e. penis of vagina, or a word like cock, dick, pussy, I dont mind those), I know that there are other words that I dont like but again, Im drawing a blank.
8. Favorite year in school: can be anywhere from preschool (if you went) to college (if you went)? Why? Freshman year in high school. This may seem a little weird, considering that its when my issues really started to become all encompassing, but its also when I started to say fuck it, and not do things for other people. I stopped caring if I fit in, instead of trying to be like everyone else, I was just me. (Side note I did not go to either preschool or college)
9. Would you like to be buried or cremated? Why? I dont really want to be buried in the traditional way, not sure what I want yet, but I dont want to be cremated, the idea of being burned freaks me out (dead or not).
10. Who has been your favorite medical professional you have seen, can be anything from homeopathic, chiropractor, dentist, surgeon, specialist, general doctor, specialist, pediatrician, psychiatrist, therapist, or anyone else you can think of in the medical profession? Why? And what do you think is important to being a good medical professional? Im am not a fan of most people in the medical profession (didnt I just talk about this?) but Id have to say my old therapist Deb. Why? Just because I love her. I spent most of therapy sessions arguing with her, but we really did actually get along well. And also Molly, if youve followed me for very long, you already know the whys there. Whats important in being a good medical professional? Listen to your patients, they know their own bodies better than anyone. Be honest, and answer all questions please. And of course dont look down on us regular folks, the fact that youre a doctor and were not does not make you superior human beings.
11. Dream job regardless of education, training or experience needed. Or if it would provide for you financially? To sing, in a band.
Stolen from my Wordpress blog, Through My Eyes: Adventures in Borderline Land
Lexis questions -
1. Who is a character you can relate to in a movie and why? Wow, Im sitting here trying to think, and I cant come up with anyone. I know that there are movies that I relate to, so Im sure that there are characters, but Im drawing a blank. I just went and looked through our movies, and all I can come up with is Joon, from Benny and Joon, just because I know what its like not to always feel like your in control of yourself, and also what it feels like to feel like you arent aloud to make your own choices, like you have to be watched and taken care of all the time.
2. What was your favorite television show growing up? As you all know, I cant pick favorites, so here are a few off the top of my head, The Wonder Years, Simpsons, The X-Files, Profiler
3. Why did you start a blog on WordPress and what is the meaning behind your URL? I started my blog as a way to get the shit in my head out of it, and to hopefully help others not feel so alone in their struggles, and to let people who dont understand mental illness get an honest view of what the day to day can be like, hoping that it might help someone to empathize. The meaning behing my URL? I kind of like that you asked because sometimes people refer to me as gypsy116. I never say anything but its a bit annoying. The Gypsy part is my name (or my preferred name anyway). The 116 part is my birthday, as in January 16. I didnt want to use the name of my blog because its long, so I used my name instead, plain old gypsy.wordpress.com was taken, so I added the 116.
4. Heres a cliche question. If you could be one animal, what would it be and why? I have no idea. Toast and I have had this conversation, oh so many times, and I can never decide.
5. Do you prefer ponds, lakes, or oceans? Why? Lakes. The big fish in the ocean scare me, and you dont usually swim in a pond.
6. If you had one day to live and you could only spend it with one person, who would it be and what would you do? I have to say Toast, even though just saying it makes my stomach turn. I dont want to pick one person. I want to say Toast, and Jen, and the girls, and I dont really know what we would do. I would have to put more thought into that than I have at the moment, the only thing I know for sure is that there would be sex.
7. What is your favorite music album ever released? Ah, why must everyone always need to know favorites? I can not pick just one. I know this is just a question but trying to pick one is making me feel panicky, so heres a few. The Downward Spiral Nine Inch Nails, Antichrist Superstar Marilyn Manson, Aenima Tool Yeah, I have to stop, even trying to pick only one from a band is making me feel panicky.
8. Would you prefer to have no legs or no arms? Whyd you pick what you picked? Fuck, thats a hard one, Id prefer to keep all of my limbs, thank you. Im sitting here thinking and I cant decide. Every time I think Ive decided, I think of something else and again, dont know. I think Im just going to cross my fingers and hope that I never lose either, but if I ever did happen to, try to think that I would learn to deal with it, either way.
9. Would you rather have 110 degree weather or below zero weather? (for my Celsius friends would you like really fucking hot weather or really cold weather) 110 degrees, no question.
10. What is your favorite piece of artwork and who created it? I like/love a lot of art, but my favorite artist will always be Toast. Obviously, Im a little biased here, but just because hes my husband, doesnt mean I love all of his work. Im not a fan of most of his landscapes, and abstract pieces, not that I think theyre not good, they are, I just feel like they dont showcase his creativity, and/or talent. Here are a some that I love. (warning, nudity ahead, please overt your eyes if that kind of thing offends you)
(I cant get them to post. If anyone wants to see, youll have to go to the original post)
11. If you could create a type of Jelly Bean what would the flavor be? I dont think I would, I dont like Jelly Beans.
Marcis questions -
1. If you were offered a six month paid for vacation any where you wanted but you would have to leave tomorrow would you take it? If so and you could only take one person with you who would you take? Fuck yes, and Toast.
2. What is your favorite book and why? Generally, I answer this question with Sybil, by Flora Rheta Schrieber because Ive read it a bunch of times (the 1st time I read it I was only in 7th grade. If youve ever read it, you know its not really appropriate for that age, but Ive always been interested in abnormal psychology), but truth be told, I dont really have a favorite book. I love to read, anything that interests me, and I love many, many books.
3. If you could have any pet regardless of laws or cost for care what type of animal would you want? Absolutely, positively, can not answer this question. I love and want them all. Toast and I have conversations all of the time about the zoo and/or farm that we will one day have, and all the animals in it. It usually starts something like this.
Me: I want a pig (or whatever animal that starts it), can we get a pig?
Toast: Yes, we can get a pig.
Me: And a goat, and a hedgehog, and a tiger, ooh, ooh, and an elephant, and a. (this goes on for awhile before he finally stops me and we start talking about how were going to someday have our own zoo)
4. What do you believe happens when we die? I dont know, and dont believe that we can know until we die. I have lots of ideas about the possibilities but that would be a whole post in itself, actually, I have written about this, feel free to read this post if youd like.
5. Favorite dry cereal (box)? Kashi Go Lean Crunch, Honey Almond Flax
6. If you could pick your mother either from someone you know in real life, a famous person, a fictional character, or your own. What/who would you chose and why? Ive had a lot of issues with my mom in the past, still do. I honestly think Jen and I would have turned out better if my dad would have left her and raised us on his own. That being said, I love my mom, she means well, Ive forgiven her the best that I can for now (I still need to work on that) but I would not trade her. Do I wish that she had her own issues better under control? Do I wish she hadnt basically transferred her issues to us? Do I wish she could see the consequences of her actions and words? Yes, I definitely do. Unfortunately, thats not the case, but I shes my mom, and I love her.
7. What is your favorite word? Least favorite word? Words I like = fuck, ginormous, fanfuckingtastic, myriad, melancholy (especially the way Megamind pronounces it) Words I dont like = Any word meaning vomit (I force myself to use them because I dont want the fear to spread that far, but its hard, and I do not like it), I dont like it when people refer to their genitals as their junk (please either use the correct term, i.e. penis of vagina, or a word like cock, dick, pussy, I dont mind those), I know that there are other words that I dont like but again, Im drawing a blank.
8. Favorite year in school: can be anywhere from preschool (if you went) to college (if you went)? Why? Freshman year in high school. This may seem a little weird, considering that its when my issues really started to become all encompassing, but its also when I started to say fuck it, and not do things for other people. I stopped caring if I fit in, instead of trying to be like everyone else, I was just me. (Side note I did not go to either preschool or college)
9. Would you like to be buried or cremated? Why? I dont really want to be buried in the traditional way, not sure what I want yet, but I dont want to be cremated, the idea of being burned freaks me out (dead or not).
10. Who has been your favorite medical professional you have seen, can be anything from homeopathic, chiropractor, dentist, surgeon, specialist, general doctor, specialist, pediatrician, psychiatrist, therapist, or anyone else you can think of in the medical profession? Why? And what do you think is important to being a good medical professional? Im am not a fan of most people in the medical profession (didnt I just talk about this?) but Id have to say my old therapist Deb. Why? Just because I love her. I spent most of therapy sessions arguing with her, but we really did actually get along well. And also Molly, if youve followed me for very long, you already know the whys there. Whats important in being a good medical professional? Listen to your patients, they know their own bodies better than anyone. Be honest, and answer all questions please. And of course dont look down on us regular folks, the fact that youre a doctor and were not does not make you superior human beings.
11. Dream job regardless of education, training or experience needed. Or if it would provide for you financially? To sing, in a band.
Stolen from my Wordpress blog, Through My Eyes: Adventures in Borderline Land