today i just feel like crying, i have to work tonight(and sundays suck sooooo bad, its so slow), im really really tired, i dont feel good(my head hurts, my throat hurts, my stomach hurts, im dizzy...), my husband is not in a very good mood either, so hes being not so nice to me, and to top it all off, i still cant stop thinking about the mr. danny. yippy!! man, i dont know what the fuck is wrong w/me. seriously, i really dont like guys(besides my husband), i mean i already have 1, why would i want another. like ill hang out w/guys that are cute, nice, funnyy... but i never have those kinds of feelings for them, so i dont understand whats going on here. why can i not stop thinking about this guy, i dont even think hes very interested in me, but damn, i just wanna....mmmm never mind. hes like way cool, laid back, doesnt seem to care what anyone thinks, hes comes from work and hes all dirty, and for some reason that is just way too hot, and then he looks at me w/those eyes, and i dont know what happens. i do not know. the thing is too, i think he knows when he looks at me i melt, and i think he thinks its funny. ha ha go to a strip club, your supposed to leave wanting all the girls, he leaves w/me wanting him. i cant even dance for him w/o getting this fucking cheesy ass stupid grin on my face, i cant look at him, but i want to look at him, i want to look in his eyes, man this fucked up, i am fucked up, whatever.
Do you find it hard to think of fresh ideas? I wish there was some way to search the entire database of sets to see if an idea was already taken. Why did your set get declined?