i can not pull myself out of this funk. i feel like weve made all these changes in our life to get ourselves out of this rut, to try to start actually living for a change, and i have not moved, things have not changed, im no better or worse of than before, just different scenery. i dont know. i just dont want to live like this anymore. i dont want to always be poor, i dont want to be like fucking 10 thousand dollars in debt, i dont want debt collectors to call my house every single day, every single hour. i want to have children. i want to move to arizona, or at least some where warm and not so depressing. i want to travel, i want to see everything, have expieriences, adventures. i dont think i really want to live anymore, not this way. nope. i do not.
There is another club in town here that is only topless but they serve alcohol so I don't know if I wanna try it or not!
When we went to Germany, they only thing we really spent money on was the flight, and then second to that was beer... it can be done- and then it makes you realize- or myslef anyway- that I really do love ehat I have, I just need to experience the world as well