the other day in ashes journal she was talking about making your life into a movie, and then last night i watched final cut, its about putting these chips in peoples brains so that when you die people can see your life as your saw it. they have these things called rememories where everyone you know gets togethere to watch parts of your life. there are people called cutters and there job is to sort through peoples life footage and cut it together in a way that the family wants to remember the people
. anyway this got me thinking about would i want people to see my life
and i think i would, but i wouldnt want to have a rememory of all my happy memories. i would want them to make a movie about the real me, i would of course want them to include happy memories, but i would want them to put in everything. put in sadness, put in pain, put in sex, drugs, mastubation, all my neurosis, all my most voilent painful fights, self mutilation, eating disorders, my dreams, fantasies, i would want to be remembered as me, not who other people want me to be, i spend enough time running from that in life, i wouldnt want it to imprison me in death as well. i dont know just what ive been thinkin on since last night
anyway i ate way to much last night but no bingeing, its just so hard when im so tired, i need stop this.
and in other news,lol, im shooting a set today
anyway i ate way to much last night but no bingeing, its just so hard when im so tired, i need stop this.
and in other news,lol, im shooting a set today