The wind is cold, a howling loneliness descends under the blind mad eye of the moon. In times like these we turn to each other for warmth and comfort.
Run. Run child, from the chicken. Under the blind mad eye of the moon. Run squealing with fear or laughter.
But run from the chicken.
It's really simple, when others are panicking and selling, which drives the market values down, I'm using margin accounts to buy as much as possible. Stocks with good dividend payout history are kept long term, unless I can sell them quickly for several times their purchase price. Others I often sell within hours for a 25% to 100% profit. Take several GMAC stocks for example, I bought them dirt low, and they increased well over 90% before confirmation of restructuring and bailout and bondholder support. I do set an alarm so I can check the european and asian markets during the night so I have a heads up on what will happen when our market opens
Thank you lovely. I hope you have the best year yet in 09.