She surpassed even Marilyn Monroe, I think, for sheer allure and sensuality. Marilyn managed to parlay her looks and talent into a film career, while Bettie was turned down by Fox for her "too thick Southern accent". But her photographs, with Irving Klaw, with Bunny Yeager, showed the world just how sensuality could be conveyed through a hot body-- but always with that "girl next door" grin. Not even Marilyn could do that. If you will forgive my opinion, Marilyn was not a great actress, whereas Bettie was an outstanding model, whose influence lasted far longer than her short career.
Bettie had those wide, childlike eyes, with one ever-so-slightly drooping, and that amazing, beaming, smile. Even in the bondage flix and pix, I had the feeling that she was having fun. According to everything Ive read about her, she was a consummate professional as a model, inventing her own poses, and willing to pose for hours.
Bettie will always be a modeling babysitter to me--my older neighbor friend, who just happened to like taking her clothes off and posing with cheetahs. There seemed to be NO photos where she didn't look FABULOUS!!!!
As Bunny Yaeger put it, "You just couldn't catch Betty [sic] looking bad. I shot over 1,000 photos of her and I think that she only blinked and closed her eyes in one photo. She was always ready for the camera." (Betty Page Confidential, Page 42.)
Bettie, may you be tantalizing and scandalizing the angels even as I type; you will always be an inspiration to me. Like the Cheshire Cats, your smile will linger long after you have Disapparated from this dimension.
She surpassed even Marilyn Monroe, I think, for sheer allure and sensuality. Marilyn managed to parlay her looks and talent into a film career, while Bettie was turned down by Fox for her "too thick Southern accent". But her photographs, with Irving Klaw, with Bunny Yeager, showed the world just how sensuality could be conveyed through a hot body-- but always with that "girl next door" grin. Not even Marilyn could do that. If you will forgive my opinion, Marilyn was not a great actress, whereas Bettie was an outstanding model, whose influence lasted far longer than her short career.
Bettie had those wide, childlike eyes, with one ever-so-slightly drooping, and that amazing, beaming, smile. Even in the bondage flix and pix, I had the feeling that she was having fun. According to everything Ive read about her, she was a consummate professional as a model, inventing her own poses, and willing to pose for hours.
Bettie will always be a modeling babysitter to me--my older neighbor friend, who just happened to like taking her clothes off and posing with cheetahs. There seemed to be NO photos where she didn't look FABULOUS!!!!
As Bunny Yaeger put it, "You just couldn't catch Betty [sic] looking bad. I shot over 1,000 photos of her and I think that she only blinked and closed her eyes in one photo. She was always ready for the camera." (Betty Page Confidential, Page 42.)
Bettie, may you be tantalizing and scandalizing the angels even as I type; you will always be an inspiration to me. Like the Cheshire Cats, your smile will linger long after you have Disapparated from this dimension.

none taking ya silly,there are pics of me,seek and ye shall find.

Hello delicious lady!!! Thanks for your kind words on my blog..