How many times do I say I need to start updating, and i say it with a journal entry... and then I never have another one. At least not for 3-5 months.
I'm old skool damnit, and I'm not even in the old skool group anymore; most likely because It appears that I am dead.
I'm not.
And maybe. Just maybe. I will starting throwing a few comments around here and there. Maybe even more than before (which, if you can actually find my post count on a board somewhere, wasn't much).
The last era that I was actually a participating member in this site is when the chat room and the webcams were new. Do you have any idea how long ago that was? Me either.
Frankly, I never have been one for particpating in any kind of Forum system. Too many things going on at once; too much off topic blabbering, too many dumbasses and assholes and dumbassholes. Also; they just plain move to fast. I like being able to read a whole train of thought (say... a thread)... maybe even re read it... sit and think about it for a while... and then post something that I hope will be both important, and relevent. Most the time with forum/board threads I can't even get the whole thing read.. you read.. you think.. and when you post.. 15 more items have gone in between what you read last and your current post.
Maybe this whole Friends Thread thing will 'suit my needs' and I will be both seen and heard a little bit.
In the meantime; the few people I did talk with regularly thanks to this site, and have almost completely lost touch with. And I hate losing touch. With any luck, I can fix it. And not disappear like fart in the wind.
Gawdamn I love ruining serious conversation with an ill placed fart joke.
see ya.
I'm old skool damnit, and I'm not even in the old skool group anymore; most likely because It appears that I am dead.
I'm not.
And maybe. Just maybe. I will starting throwing a few comments around here and there. Maybe even more than before (which, if you can actually find my post count on a board somewhere, wasn't much).
The last era that I was actually a participating member in this site is when the chat room and the webcams were new. Do you have any idea how long ago that was? Me either.
Frankly, I never have been one for particpating in any kind of Forum system. Too many things going on at once; too much off topic blabbering, too many dumbasses and assholes and dumbassholes. Also; they just plain move to fast. I like being able to read a whole train of thought (say... a thread)... maybe even re read it... sit and think about it for a while... and then post something that I hope will be both important, and relevent. Most the time with forum/board threads I can't even get the whole thing read.. you read.. you think.. and when you post.. 15 more items have gone in between what you read last and your current post.
Maybe this whole Friends Thread thing will 'suit my needs' and I will be both seen and heard a little bit.
In the meantime; the few people I did talk with regularly thanks to this site, and have almost completely lost touch with. And I hate losing touch. With any luck, I can fix it. And not disappear like fart in the wind.
Gawdamn I love ruining serious conversation with an ill placed fart joke.
see ya.
am I still your #1 crush?

guess not :[