New pictures in the Tattoo folder - my new tattoo!!
Woooo what a weekend!! Where should I start.
Thursday Night
It was fun though there were some creepy parts in it. The group I went to Ireland with got together (well most of us). We went down to a friends place and I got a little buzzed, nothing major though. We had been upstairs hanging out and one of the guys wanted to see my new tattoo. No problem. I should have been keeping in mind this was the guy that jumped on top of me as soon as were alone in his room in Ireland and groped me. So he takes me into the bathroom and closes the door. A little werid but whatever. The walls are thin my friends could have heard me if I needed it. I show him my tattoo...he proceeds to reach behind me, lock the door and try to take off my pants and I'm like nuoooo. Then he takes off his pants. Its quite clear to me he wants sex. I was like
1) I am with someone
2) I'm in my best friends bathroom!! ewww
I don't think the first two would deter hime so I had to go with
3) I have my period!!
So hes like ok whatever I'll go finish up myself. Eww he goes into my best friends bathroom to masturbate
Luckily the rest of the night was uneventful....
Friday Night
So after some horse back riding and exam doing I take a nice nap and then go to a little get together of the Irish dancers. It was nice and chill, then we head to a friends for a Cinco de Mayo (sp?) party. There were a lot a of people at first but then it thinned out which was really nice acutally. I didn't drink because I had my car there but I was so friggin hyper anyway!! See what naps do to me.
One of my friends wound up making out with one of the polo boys I'm friends with and we all danced around the living room. I gave a friend of mine a lap dance which he doesn't remember appernetly. It was quite funny because it sounded like I was trying to kill him with the noises he was making.
It was fun though.
Saturday Night
I sleep late and goof off waiting for Carl and his friend Mark to come up. They get here, we have a drink and head down to Scribner for a few more. Then a bunch of us (Naomi, Carl, Mark, Jen, Jeff, Sally, Julia and I) head to our friend Sam's for a party. We walk so everyone but Jeff (due to a martial arts test) can drink. So I'm already a little tipsy/buzzed. I play a game of beer pong with Jen and then drink for Jeff while they play together and wind up getting drunk.
Carl winds up making out with Sally, Julia and Naomi.
I make out with Sally and Julia (both very good kissers) and get to kiss Jeff
Jeff is one of my closest friends and quite shy. It was just a peck on the lips type of thing so I don't compleatly freak him out but I'm sure there will be more to come during senior week
I love Carl...hes amazing.
Carl got his tattoo!! See his page m3fr33ky for pics!! It looks awsome!
Though I guess Mark was a little confused on my logic of course I let Carl kiss other girls...he lets me kiss other girls
But he liked it hehe.
I was also the first girl Mark has ever seen compleatly naked apparently. Carl was taking pics of my tattoos (in my folder) so I had to get naked. He had been to strip clubs before but you know...they were shoes hehe!
I love my friends they are awasome. My boy is the most awsome though
So now I just have a few problems left on my Complex take home and home work, my Algebra exam and my Astronomy exam left. Woot I'll be done by Wednesday the 10!! (the boys birthday!!)
Woooo what a weekend!! Where should I start.
Thursday Night
It was fun though there were some creepy parts in it. The group I went to Ireland with got together (well most of us). We went down to a friends place and I got a little buzzed, nothing major though. We had been upstairs hanging out and one of the guys wanted to see my new tattoo. No problem. I should have been keeping in mind this was the guy that jumped on top of me as soon as were alone in his room in Ireland and groped me. So he takes me into the bathroom and closes the door. A little werid but whatever. The walls are thin my friends could have heard me if I needed it. I show him my tattoo...he proceeds to reach behind me, lock the door and try to take off my pants and I'm like nuoooo. Then he takes off his pants. Its quite clear to me he wants sex. I was like
1) I am with someone
2) I'm in my best friends bathroom!! ewww
I don't think the first two would deter hime so I had to go with
3) I have my period!!
So hes like ok whatever I'll go finish up myself. Eww he goes into my best friends bathroom to masturbate

Luckily the rest of the night was uneventful....
Friday Night
So after some horse back riding and exam doing I take a nice nap and then go to a little get together of the Irish dancers. It was nice and chill, then we head to a friends for a Cinco de Mayo (sp?) party. There were a lot a of people at first but then it thinned out which was really nice acutally. I didn't drink because I had my car there but I was so friggin hyper anyway!! See what naps do to me.
One of my friends wound up making out with one of the polo boys I'm friends with and we all danced around the living room. I gave a friend of mine a lap dance which he doesn't remember appernetly. It was quite funny because it sounded like I was trying to kill him with the noises he was making.
It was fun though.
Saturday Night
I sleep late and goof off waiting for Carl and his friend Mark to come up. They get here, we have a drink and head down to Scribner for a few more. Then a bunch of us (Naomi, Carl, Mark, Jen, Jeff, Sally, Julia and I) head to our friend Sam's for a party. We walk so everyone but Jeff (due to a martial arts test) can drink. So I'm already a little tipsy/buzzed. I play a game of beer pong with Jen and then drink for Jeff while they play together and wind up getting drunk.
Carl winds up making out with Sally, Julia and Naomi.
I make out with Sally and Julia (both very good kissers) and get to kiss Jeff

Jeff is one of my closest friends and quite shy. It was just a peck on the lips type of thing so I don't compleatly freak him out but I'm sure there will be more to come during senior week

I love Carl...hes amazing.
Carl got his tattoo!! See his page m3fr33ky for pics!! It looks awsome!
Though I guess Mark was a little confused on my logic of course I let Carl kiss other girls...he lets me kiss other girls

I was also the first girl Mark has ever seen compleatly naked apparently. Carl was taking pics of my tattoos (in my folder) so I had to get naked. He had been to strip clubs before but you know...they were shoes hehe!
I love my friends they are awasome. My boy is the most awsome though

So now I just have a few problems left on my Complex take home and home work, my Algebra exam and my Astronomy exam left. Woot I'll be done by Wednesday the 10!! (the boys birthday!!)
not sure if you're still danc ing or not but if you are you might be interested in this.
What a very sexy lady you are. Came via V&E