Well.....THAT was an exciting morning....ooo boy
Let me catch you guys up on some news first.
Math conference I was presenting at went well this weekend. As always. I'm still a bit tired from it though because I only got one day to sleep in instead of two....oh well...
I got accepted to UVM for grad school...
Rejections from: BU, Northeastern, Dartmouth, UConn, Brandies and Tufts
Still haven't heard from: UMass amherst.
I have no idea if I want to go though. I think my parents really want me to, but I have to see about financial aid at least. But if I did go I would either only go for a year or just get my masters and then start my work with horses.
I just need to find some way to make money so start taking classes about horses. To do the apprenctice program at UVM Morgan horse farm I would need about $4500 dollars which covers the program and living expenses (they provide housing).
Oh well it will get worked out...now on to the fun stuff...
So I had a presentation this morning for class, which also went well. Then I had horse back riding. I was put on a new horse that I had never rode before which was fine. I knew he was fast and another girl in our class had gotten thrown off of him twice a few weeks ago so I knew to be wary. Also we were going outside today for the first time, another thing to be wary of. So the beginning goes ok. Our instructor was with the vet so we just kinda did whatever. He has a really nice canter, though he kept getting a little fast and it would take a little while to rein him in.
Then at one point hes practically galloping and I can't control him all that well. I turn him between the fence and the other horse because thats all I can do but it spooks the other horse and they go off on a race, galloping across the ring. This is my first time galloping ever. And I loose a stirrup. So I'm galloping with one stirrup. Luckily I have long ass legs. I keep my head and don't panic at all just keep pulling steadily back on the rein, putting my heels down, sitting back and turning him in circles to slow him down. I finally get him down. Boy that was an exciting morning. The other instructor that was out there was very impressed with how I handled it and niether me nor the other girl got thrown which is good.
So yeah...other than that...homework...and tattoo this weekend
Let me catch you guys up on some news first.
Math conference I was presenting at went well this weekend. As always. I'm still a bit tired from it though because I only got one day to sleep in instead of two....oh well...
I got accepted to UVM for grad school...
Rejections from: BU, Northeastern, Dartmouth, UConn, Brandies and Tufts
Still haven't heard from: UMass amherst.
I have no idea if I want to go though. I think my parents really want me to, but I have to see about financial aid at least. But if I did go I would either only go for a year or just get my masters and then start my work with horses.
I just need to find some way to make money so start taking classes about horses. To do the apprenctice program at UVM Morgan horse farm I would need about $4500 dollars which covers the program and living expenses (they provide housing).
Oh well it will get worked out...now on to the fun stuff...
So I had a presentation this morning for class, which also went well. Then I had horse back riding. I was put on a new horse that I had never rode before which was fine. I knew he was fast and another girl in our class had gotten thrown off of him twice a few weeks ago so I knew to be wary. Also we were going outside today for the first time, another thing to be wary of. So the beginning goes ok. Our instructor was with the vet so we just kinda did whatever. He has a really nice canter, though he kept getting a little fast and it would take a little while to rein him in.
Then at one point hes practically galloping and I can't control him all that well. I turn him between the fence and the other horse because thats all I can do but it spooks the other horse and they go off on a race, galloping across the ring. This is my first time galloping ever. And I loose a stirrup. So I'm galloping with one stirrup. Luckily I have long ass legs. I keep my head and don't panic at all just keep pulling steadily back on the rein, putting my heels down, sitting back and turning him in circles to slow him down. I finally get him down. Boy that was an exciting morning. The other instructor that was out there was very impressed with how I handled it and niether me nor the other girl got thrown which is good.
So yeah...other than that...homework...and tattoo this weekend

But congrats anyway, because any successful application is great.
I'm guessing UMass and UConn are Massachusetts and Conneticut, which are NE states, yeah?
And I've heard of Dartmouth, but then that's also a place over here. A naval town. Big Navy traditions I think.
So, where did you really really want to go? Or did you not have a no1 choice?