Well that was an amazing weekend. M3fr33ky and our best friend Chris came up. It was a lot of fun and I really wish my boys didn't have to leave.
Friday I got my new set all burned to CD and I'm mailing it in later today, so we'll see how it goes. I really like it personally.
Saturday they got here around 2ish and we hung out watching the Wallace and Gromit movie that Chris had bought for me
Then we went to the free showing of the Harry Potter movie on campus which was amazing. I really need to read the books. Then we went downtown and did a little drinking. I wasn't hammered but I was little more than buzzed. Just right I would say...
Finally went to bed at 5am.oops
Sunday we got to have a wonderful large Denny's breakfast. Best place for breakfast ever. Laid around and all managed to take a nap at the same time without planning it. We are just damn talented.
Then we went job hunting for me. I am now an exotic dancer at Shinnigan's in Schenctaty NY...I don't think I spelled either of those right. It was a small little place but it looked nice and the girls were really nice. I had to adutiion...and it was my first time dancing on stage alone so it was a little nerve wracking but I got the job. Hopefully now I can pay of my debts.
Here's what I owe...and then what I want to buy if I make extra money.
Owe: $1,000+ on my credit card
$2,360 to my dad
Nails done (acrylic ones)
makeup/lotion and such
new riding boots
More shoes to dance in and outfits
lots of books.....
digital camera
lots of fun things for m3fr33ky because hes amazing and has done so much for me....
I'm sure theres more but thats the general idea...
Umm yeah...so finishing the homework...
Friday I got my new set all burned to CD and I'm mailing it in later today, so we'll see how it goes. I really like it personally.
Saturday they got here around 2ish and we hung out watching the Wallace and Gromit movie that Chris had bought for me

Finally went to bed at 5am.oops
Sunday we got to have a wonderful large Denny's breakfast. Best place for breakfast ever. Laid around and all managed to take a nap at the same time without planning it. We are just damn talented.
Then we went job hunting for me. I am now an exotic dancer at Shinnigan's in Schenctaty NY...I don't think I spelled either of those right. It was a small little place but it looked nice and the girls were really nice. I had to adutiion...and it was my first time dancing on stage alone so it was a little nerve wracking but I got the job. Hopefully now I can pay of my debts.
Here's what I owe...and then what I want to buy if I make extra money.
Owe: $1,000+ on my credit card
$2,360 to my dad
Nails done (acrylic ones)
makeup/lotion and such
new riding boots
More shoes to dance in and outfits
lots of books.....
digital camera
lots of fun things for m3fr33ky because hes amazing and has done so much for me....
I'm sure theres more but thats the general idea...
Umm yeah...so finishing the homework...
Hey, i've been to shenanigan's. can be a wild place. i guess i'll have to start coming by again. what name are you using? looking forward to meeting you.
hey whats u