Well. My family is packing up and moving out.
Our house sold and my rents just bought a new place about 15 miles from where we live now.
How fun for me!
I get to move twice in a two month period!
On October 1st I move into the new apartment.
I can hardly wait.
Friday I go to measure and size things.
I have to find a comfy couch...but I'm all set to go other than that.
My poor dog, Milo just doesn't know what to make of everything.
Things are disappearing and keeps looking at us like..."You are going to keep ME, right?!"
I start college in 8 days.
On Sunday, I get back together with Bob (Walsh Digital) to get some constructive criticism and to keep working on my portfolio.
Once I get into the new apartment we'll start working on the SG shoot. It should be good times.
SO much is going on that my head is spinning! Hmmm. If I could only get a date....
Wish me luck...in the next hour I start applying for some high end, fancy schmancy waitressing jobs. I'm hoping to get my foot in the door so I can start earning some real cash while I'm in school. I've got to pay off those credit cards some how!
Our house sold and my rents just bought a new place about 15 miles from where we live now.
How fun for me!
I get to move twice in a two month period!
On October 1st I move into the new apartment.
I can hardly wait.
Friday I go to measure and size things.
I have to find a comfy couch...but I'm all set to go other than that.
My poor dog, Milo just doesn't know what to make of everything.
Things are disappearing and keeps looking at us like..."You are going to keep ME, right?!"
I start college in 8 days.

On Sunday, I get back together with Bob (Walsh Digital) to get some constructive criticism and to keep working on my portfolio.
Once I get into the new apartment we'll start working on the SG shoot. It should be good times.
SO much is going on that my head is spinning! Hmmm. If I could only get a date....
Wish me luck...in the next hour I start applying for some high end, fancy schmancy waitressing jobs. I'm hoping to get my foot in the door so I can start earning some real cash while I'm in school. I've got to pay off those credit cards some how!

I AM IN LOVE WITH YOUR NEW PHOTOS!! You are so freakin' gorgeous.
Hope I didn't sound creepy, haha