So there is a blizzard here, and a severe winter weather alert is in effect according to the weather reporter on the t.v. behind me. All unnecessary travel is strongly discouraged. They keep repeating that sentence.
Sixteen inches in my town. Twenty-two inches in a nearby town.
I took a couple of pictures, it's so cold that I didn't have the patience to get anything better. The falling snow caught all of the light, so they're not fantastic. But you get the idea.
I despise being stuck here like this. Even if I didn't want to leave (which I do) I like knowing that I have the option to. If I were with friends it wouldn't be so bad. Being trapped inside like this always makes me want to play board games. I think I picked that up from sitcoms.
I could rig Roxy up to a dogsled, but she'd probably just run after the dogs across the street.
At least I'm in a house with heat, vegetarian tacos, and Six Feet Under on DVD... it could be much worse.
Sixteen inches in my town. Twenty-two inches in a nearby town.
I took a couple of pictures, it's so cold that I didn't have the patience to get anything better. The falling snow caught all of the light, so they're not fantastic. But you get the idea.

I despise being stuck here like this. Even if I didn't want to leave (which I do) I like knowing that I have the option to. If I were with friends it wouldn't be so bad. Being trapped inside like this always makes me want to play board games. I think I picked that up from sitcoms.
I could rig Roxy up to a dogsled, but she'd probably just run after the dogs across the street.
At least I'm in a house with heat, vegetarian tacos, and Six Feet Under on DVD... it could be much worse.
it obviously doesn't help about where you are from. with this one i actually just got wicked lucky cause it jumped out to me and fit perfectly, but just keep looking, and check the bigger cities.